I had not heard of HB24-1172, prior to Ms. Lashbrooke’s January 7 presentation. It was signed into Colorado law by Governor Jared Polis last June…
Author: Bill Hudson
EDITORIAL: The Paradox of Economic Development, Part Two
A recent study of our community done by consultants Root Policy, on behalf of Region 9, suggested that Pagosa needs 800 affordable units…
EDITORIAL: The Paradox of Economic Development, Part One
One of the keys to “economic development” as practiced in the second half of the 20th century, was a push to replace agricultural economies with industrial economies…
EDITORIAL: The Problem with the Fourth of July Parade, Part Two
“I think the volunteers and the staff, kind of cruising around and asking people to step back, they did a great job…”
EDITORIAL: The Problem with the Fourth of July Parade, Part One
At the Pagosa Springs Town Council meeting last night, Darren Lewis and Amanda Gadomski presented the Council with three possible ideas…
EDITORIAL: Considering the Definition of ‘Excellent Schools’, Part Four
“1. Students will need to demonstrate a competency level in English and Mathematics….”
EDITORIAL: Considering the Definition of ‘Excellent Schools’, Part Three
We’re going to talk about math scores in modern American schools. But I’m illustrating the article with a painting by Cima da Conegliano, c. 1515.
EDITORIAL: Considering the Definition of ‘Excellent Schools’, Part Two
“One of the main levers the board has for ensuring improvement in student achievement is to make sure we do everything we can to attract and retain great teachers…”
EDITORIAL: Considering the Definition of ‘Excellent Schools’, Part One
“The latest Nation’s Report Card will surely cause hand-wringing and probably finger-pointing, but none of that will help our kids…”
EDITORIAL: Judicial Review, Pagosa Style, Part Three
Both PAWSD and SJWCD have submitted their initial briefs in that court case…
EDITORIAL: Judicial Review, Pagosa Style, Part Two
At the end of the judicial review, we might be able to point to a “winner” and a “loser”. But we might just as well conclude that everyone loses…
EDITORIAL: Judicial Review, Pagosa Style, Part One
Reasonable people can disagree, as we all know. Even unreasonable people can disagree…
EDITORIAL: First They Came for the Communists
Maybe we don’t have to wait for the church leaders to be arrested. Maybe we can all speak out… before it’s too late?
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part Six
It’s not clear, yet, if any independent research done by the MPAC community group itself will be posted…
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part Four
We’re discussing the reasons why a local government might seek voter approval for a general obligation bond…
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part Three
It would appear that nearly all of the “New Schools” were funded at least partly by Lease-Purchase arrangements…
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part Two
Judging by election results going back to 2010, our community is supportive of tax increases… if the money will be used to upgrade existing buildings…
EDITORIAL: Taxpayer Participation vs. Certificates of Participation, Part One
“I absolutely do not want us to look at only doing a COP. I don’t think a COP benefits our community…”