“What’s striking is that temperatures and correspondingly fire are now exceeding the range that these forests have coped with for thousands of years…”
Author: Allen Best
Allen Best publishes the e-journal Big Pivots, which chronicles the energy transition in Colorado and beyond.
Colorado Arrives at the Dawn of Megafires, Part One
Temperatures will rise. Wildfires will become larger, more unpredictable. Welcome to the age of megafires…
Colorado Puts the Kibosh to Plastic Bags and Foam. What’s Next?
With this law, called the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, Colorado became the 10th state to take action against single-use plastic bags…
OPINION: Electric Utilities and Regulators Do the ‘What-If’ Dance
“It’s about economic development and jobs — and, in the retirement of coal plants, the community impacts of just transition. Economics and low cost still matter. But there are many other considerations…”