Study finds that existing technology can get Colorado to near-zero electricity without need for breakthroughs in geothermal, nuclear or other realms…
Author: Allen Best
BIG PIVOTS: Boulder City Council Looking at Natural Gas Ban
This story by Allen Best appeared in ‘Big Pivots’ on July 25, 2023. In a straw poll, eight members of the Boulder City Council indicated support for banning natural gas in new buildings. The ninth member indicated only partial support. The Boulder Reporting Lab reported that Mayor Aaron Brockett called for the straw poll about READ MORE
BIG PIVOTS: Colorado Ranks High in Energy Transformation Effort
Two new analyses rank Colorado third and fourth in nation for its energy transformations…
BIG PIVOTS: Colorado Rapidly Adding Clean-Energy Jobs
Transportation matters greatly for solar and battery manufacturers. But what about Colorado’s coal towns?
BIG PIVOTS: Colorado’s Biggest Battery
Xcel Energy will add more from planning begun in 2016 — with much more coming beyond this wave…
A Jobs Bonanza in Colorado’s Energy Transition?
Transportation matters greatly for solar and battery manufacturers. But what about Colorado’s coal towns?
BIG PIVOTS: Tribal Voices at the Colorado River Table
Native Americans were not invited to craft the Colorado River Compact in 1922. Now they insist they must be part of solutions…
BIG PIVOTS: Trustafarians on the Colorado River, Part Two
“I wasn’t surprised by the two-million acre-feet,” recounted Mitchell at the conference. “It wasn’t rocket science. It was addition and subtraction…”
BIG PIVOTS: Trustafarians on the Colorado River, Part One
“So we have what are referred to as the trustafarians, which is a tribe of people who live off their trust funds…”
BIG PIVOTS: Colorado Democrats Gather to Celebrate the Republican River
A revision of federal regulations may help Colorado meet irrigation reductions on a river in eastern Colorado… and slow the decline of the Ogallala Aquifer…
BIG PIVOTS: ‘Breakthrough Energy Catalyst’ Awards $20 Million to Energy Storage Projects
Wired Magazine in a March 2023 story entitled “Why Rust is the Future of Very Cheap Batteries,” explained that the five-cofounders set out to build a better battery…
BIG PIVOTS: Electric Cooperatives and the Big Bad Wolf
Highley wants them to be wary of turbulence ahead. The theme of the two-day gathering was “resiliency.” And, of course, Tri-State is resilient….
BIG PIVOTS: What Fenberg’s Energy Bill Does — and Does Not Do
Proposal would trim Xcel’s sails and start pushing back on natural gas expansion, but falls far short of a major overhaul…
BIG PIVOTS: High Hopes for Hydrogen? Maybe Not… Part Two
“If you emit some hydrogen into the atmosphere now, it will lead to a progressive buildup of methane in the following years,” said Princeton’s Matteo Bertagni…
BIG PIVOTS: High Hopes for Hydrogen? Maybe Not… Part One
Both Xcel and Colorado state government issued press releases this week announcing that the states — New Mexico, Wyoming, and Utah, in addition to Colorado — had submitted their application…
BIG PIVOTS: A Mystery Within a Climate Change Pep Rally
A press conference to highlight Colorado’s climate and energy bills… but why did the governor now support carbon reduction goals for 2035-2045?
BIG PIVOTS: Water Challenges on the Republican River
Climate scientists issue their latest, stern warning while farmers in Colorado’s Republican River Basin grapple with how to be sustainable…
BIG PIVOTS: What Will a ‘Three Wire Winter’ Do for Lake Powell?
Driving twisting, snow-covered county roads made me tense, but the whitened landscapes blanketed by snows filled me with joy…