HMPRESENTLY: Stories to Restore One’s Faith

You spirit soars, hearing about something like a possible abundant source of fresh water, in the water vapor above Earth’s oceans. According to the online publication Science Alert, harvesting drinkable water from oceanic water vapor may be a way to address worrisome water deficits, around the world.

People working on things, trying to figure things out, can restore one’s faith.

And what a sharp contrast that can be, to other headline news… like, for example, Texas officials busing migrants seeking asylum in America, all the way out to Washington DC, where the temperature, Christmas Eve, was below freezing, according to news media.

North Korea was in the holiday news, sending drones swarming over various areas of South Korea, while many Ukrainian civilians had to spend their Christmas in bomb shelters, as Russia continued bombarding Ukraine communities.

And former President Trump was blasting away, in his Christmas message on Truth Social, suggesting that “the USA is dying from within,” while describing himself as a “brilliant clairvoyant.”

When it comes to restoring faith, especially around Christmas, it’s hard to say where the former president might rank, compared, for instance, to first responders helping people who, in various ways, were caught up in what’s being described in the news as the most frigid weather ever recorded.

The weather maps, on TV, were showing minus 35 and minus 40 degree temperatures, over northern and midwestern states. Maybe about as cold as the North Pole?

Police officers in an Indiana community replaced a family’s toys that were stolen during a burglary on Christmas eve.

So, even as burglars… and a few rulers in a few countries, and Texas officials, and a former U.S. president were doing what they’ve been doing all along, first responders and others were doing what they could do, helping out as best they could.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.