The word ‘decency’ has been in the news, since the nation’s midterm elections on November 8.
‘Decency.’ A good word that’s much needed, but maybe more now than other times. It was in headlines. In USA Today, in an article about the elections… Americans take a stand for decency… that was one of the headlines… in reference, it seems, to some of the unexpected election results.
Of course, we’re not sure Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District Representative Lauren Boebert, will be reelected. She was neck and neck with her opponent, as of the day after the election. We may not know who’s won that race for a few more days.
I’ve written about Representative Boebert, in some of my articles, and was inspired to write some hip hop lyrics about her.
Speaking of my lyrics, I’ve not heard from any hip hop music agents, or big hip hop singers wanting to record music featuring my lyrics. But you never know.
Hip hop can be rather harsh, and if Americans truly are taking a stand for decency, featuring Representative Boebert may not be – no pun intended – the right way to go.
On the other hand, composing lyrics about voters, out your way, rejecting that hefty sales tax increase proposal, the one most Archuleta County commissioners were banking on, a song about that could be pretty decent, so to speak.
By a 3-to-1 margin, voters rejected the sales tax hike. So, let’s see… what rhymes with 3-to-1?
Voters votin’ three-to-one! Those county commissioners ain’t gonna have a whole lot of fun!
Would that propel me up the hip hop music charts?
Is there still such a thing as Top 40 songs? I used to hear about the Top 40, back when 78 RPM vinyl record albums were still being stamped out.
Anyway… where was I with those sales tax lyrics?