LETTER: Ballot Issue 1A Demonstrates County Insensitivity

Taxpayers in Archuleta County must vote NO on ballot issue 1A because:

It is insensitive to ask for a 37.5% increase in sales tax when the head of a household in our county sees a loss of over $4,000 per year in buying power due to inflation.

It exhibits a lack of sensitivity to ask for an increase of $6.5 million in sales tax revenue when a home owner in our county saw a 11% increase in property taxes last year with little hope of lower property taxes in the near future. Thus, a lowered buying power.

How can we, the taxpayer, be assured that a precedent of “back filling” will not compromise promised benefits to the Road and Bridge funds?  We can’t.

In addition, mill levies allocated to various funds from property tax revenue can be changed year to year without voter approval thus enabling “back filling” mentioned above.

Also, it has been reported that the allocation of funds within 1A’s sales tax revenue often quoted by proponents of 1A (such as the “50%” of funds dedicated to Road and Bridge) are not cast in stone and can be changed without voter approval.

In the last reported 4 years, without 1A funds, the county government has seen a $800,000 yearly increase in sales tax revenue and a $400,000 yearly increase in property tax revenue with more to come. Thus, increasing their buying power.

Summarizing, the county government has seen an ever-increasing revenue that tends to maintain their buying power. In fact, if 1A passes, the county government’s increase in buying power will essentially mitigate effects of inflation the first year.

However, the county’s electorate, the taxpayer, has seen and will see a substantial reduction in buying power due to inflation, existing and proposed taxes. This is unfair.

If 1A passes, it could foster possible changes in fund allocations without voter approval while exhibiting a lack of sensitivity and fairness to Archuleta voters, the taxpayers.

Thank You,

John Bozek
Pagosa Springs

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