HMPRESENTLY: ‘A Harmonious Effect’

Someone blessed with a great persona, sometimes, can shape opinion, even better than a whole team of image experts.

The CEO of a multi-billion dollar company that’s had image issues over the years, was on one of those business TV shows, with gyrating stock market numbers flashing on the TV screen, and business reporters asking guests tough, challenging questions.

This particular CEO wasn’t like a movie star, or anything like that. He just seemed like a really nice guy, who was at ease, and poised. His words were impactful. In only a few minutes of the interview, I was feeling better about his company.

That doesn’t happen, all that often.

When he was asked about racism, at one point in the interview — after recalling his childhood as a person of color in a Southern state — he said racism still is a problem on the planet. That’s how he described it.

But he went on with encouraging words about the future, about things, maybe, getting better.

Earlier on, when he was being introduced, the CEO had kind words for a veteran reporter who was leaving the show, and I’m thinking the CEO is trying to soften the guy up.

But after briefly thanking the CEO for his good wishes, the veteran reporter asked a tough question. Followed by more tough questions. And the CEO fielded them all, really well.

About that problem on the planet he’d mentioned, and his hopes for the future…

It does seem that more persons of color and various ethnicities are getting together… in matrimony… in relationships.

Maybe that’s gradually becoming less of a big deal, as it sometimes seemed to be, in the past.

Persons of color and various ethnicities, and people who are gay, are reporting news, anchoring news desks, and appearing more in advertising.

What comes to mind, is the word ‘blending’ … often defined as creating “a harmonious effect or result.”

That’s a good word… ‘blending’… especially when it means ‘harmonious.’

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.