LETTER: Support for ‘Stop the Rocks’

We are in support of the STOP THE ROCKS, a growing group of concerned residents questioning a proposed gravel mining operation along Piedra Road.

Why are we so concerned about this proposal, some ask in puzzlement? Yes, there is a need for gravel, sand, aggregate in Archuleta County for roadwork and construction materials, but in a suitable location that will not affect any neighborhood, wildlife, water shed, lake system, air and water quality in detrimental ways as this proposed mining site has the capacity to do, and permanently destroy our pristine surroundings and environment.

Those who claim they have lived here with the ‘old mine’ in harmony for three or four decades are right, because the old mine was not a destructive mining operation and did not impose any harm to Oakbrush Hill and surrounding areas. Through preliminary research it has been found there are many questions never answered, viable studies never performed, the introduction of a form of mining that was never in operation before this proposal.

There are those who claim they understand the location and everything to be known, yet have no understanding that this is indeed a new location north of the old site, never used for such a destructive industry of mining. The old site was an itsy bitty parcel of 28.9 acres used only possibly for crushing rock and stone brought in for processing. The proposed mining site to the north of Redi-Mix Way is much larger — as in, 600 plus acres (application implies that mining will be done in 100+ acre increments) that has been zoned agricultural/grazing, and this vast acreage that it has been for 30-40 years undisturbed in an overly critical, environmentally fragile area.

Had concerned citizens not stepped up and begun to look at this proposed mining site and instead allowed this application to play out normally, all these concerns would have been squelched and the facts would never have been exposed or questioned. This proposal has the components to become a total nightmare not only for the residents who are in close proximity, but all of us will be affected in serious and detrimental ways.

Pamela and Michael Kostin
Pagosa Springs, CO

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