Town Invites Citizen Input to ‘End of Year’ Survey

The Town of Pagosa Springs invites you provide your input in our End of Year Survey and Community Discussion. Your feedback is appreciated and will make MyPagosa more relevant and responsive. The survey and discussion will be live and available through January. Click here to participate.

The Town is also eager to announce that the first round of draft code revisions are ready for public review, comments and questions. Please take some time to review the proposed changes and provide your comments. Additional draft code revisions will be posted on the LUDC Update project page for as they become available. Please stay tuned for additional updates.

The Town Council voted to create an Urban Renewal Authority within Town of Pagosa Springs boundary, and formed the Pagosa Springs Urban Renewal Authority (PSURA). The PSURA can be used as a redevelopment tool in the community for projects such as workforce housing, trail and public spaces, bringing in new public infrastructure, and more. During the public listening sessions in August 2021, the public provided many great ideas on the PSURA which as been incorporated into a GIS map.

You can learn more about the PSURA by clicking here.

Please make sure to visit the new Proposed Development Projects page to stay up to date with new projects in Town limits.

Thank you for being a part of the MyPagosa Community and Happy Holidays!

Post Contributor

Post Contributor

The Pagosa Daily Post welcomes submissions, photos, letters and videos from people who love Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Call 970-903-2673 or email