A multi-modal transportation plan is in the works for the Pagosa Springs East End area that will assess pedestrian sidewalk and trail connectivity, river and park access, public parking, functionality of roadways and traffic flow in the area, transit opportunities, urban design updates, and more.
The East End contains the areas along U.S. 160 east of 1st Street to the junction with U.S. 84. The plan aims to create a stronger connection between the East End and other areas of town while providing a better functioning multimodal environment that supports access to businesses and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike.
In order to capture information and ideas from the public about the future vision for the area, the project team will be hosting a public open house tomorrow, Wednesday, October 6, from 4 – 6pm at the Ross Aragon Community Center. This open house is open to all community members and is a chance to share perceived opportunities and current challenges with transportation and connectivity in the East End.
It is important for the Town and our Planning Consultants, Alta Planning and Design, to hear from you. Please join us at the Open House and share your thoughts.
The open house is drop-in format, so stop by anytime between 4 and 6pm.
For more information, visit www.MyPagosa.org or contact the Planning Department at (970) 264-4151, ext. 221 or cschultz@pagosasprings.co.gov.