Reminders, About Road and Street Closures

Several major highway closures and a smaller project will be impacting the Pagosa community in the next weeks and months. While no one wants to deal with the narrowing of lanes, street closures, detours, long lines and such, the final outcomes will provide safer avenues of travel for our area. The first highway detour started on September 7 and is the McCabe Creek Project. The 160 highway will be narrowed down to 2 lanes – one going in each direction east and west. The road narrowing and concrete barricades will take place from 5th St. to 7th St. to accommodate the McCabe Creek project on 6th St.

Also note that the north end of 6th St. near Highway 160 from the alleyway is closed to all traffic. This closure will be in effect until the end of the 2021 work season – approximately until November – depending upon how the snow flies…

The other highway closure will be more complicated, but is anticipated to last only five nights. This project is necessary to set the wildlife overpass structure in place. Large precast concrete arches will be placed over the Hwy 160 roadway. Highway 160 EAST of the Hwy 151 interchange will be closed at night from 9pm to 6am. Traffic will not be allowed at all through this area near the Chimney Rock National Monument. Remember that the road is closed EAST of the Hwy 151 interchange, so when traveling to or from Durango at night, you will also not be able to detour through Ignacio and travel Hwy 151 and interchange with Hwy 160. Emergency vehicular traffic is being rerouted; however, there is NO detour for commercial and passenger traffic in this area.

One more project with road closure is the installation of geothermal pipe located at the 5th St. Geothermal plant in downtown Pagosa. South 5th St. from the plant to the rear of the County Building and the nearby businesses will be inaccessible from Wednesday, September 15 to Friday, September 17, 2021. This includes the electric fast-charging station, access to the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership growing domes and the coffee shop and Mexican restaurant. Access to the parking lot on the corner of 5th St. and 160 will still be accessible as well as parking for those business from Hwy 160 or the Overlook Parking area.

Please make sure that your businesses and staff members are aware of all of these closures, especially those that might affect your business, travel plans or business plans.

Mary Jo Coulehan

Mary Jo Coulehan is Executive Director of the Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, and also serves on a number of local and state boards.