HMPRESENTLY: A Certain Rhythm To It

Taking questions from reporters, that’s what he was doing. He’s been meeting the press, for decades, President Joe Biden has.

Taking questions seldom – if ever – is routine. After a long time doing it, you get a feel for when you can kid around, a bit, with reporters…and when you’ve got to be more serious.

There’s a certain rhythm to it, in a way. And if you miss a beat, you’ll be all too aware, when the media report what you’ve had to say, in response to reporters’ questions.

Fielding questions, just recently, about the infrastructure legislation that’s been in the works, and that may be coming together – legislation that just may be bipartisan, which would be pretty amazing, in this day and age – the president was managing expectations… talking about politicians in both parties negotiating, in good faith. And about old-style values, like politicians on both sides keeping their word, and such.

And the president knew when to lighten the mood, whispering into the microphone – just loud enough to be clearly heard – when he wanted to make particularly strong points.

He was cordial – but firm – with reporters, when he needed to be. And he was patient and respectful. And he smiled.

Had Mr. Biden been in the business I was in, rather than politics, and had he’d taken media training that businesses put various folks in companies through, and had I been peppering him with questions and evaluating how he’d handled himself — as I did, during my career — I would have given him good grades.

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.