In several dictionaries, ‘Gadzooks’ is defined as a mild oath. But in at least one dictionary, it’s “an explanation of surprise.”


It’s one of those older words you don’t hear as much, these days. I’m trying to remember if ‘gadzooks’ — like ‘Yikes!’ and ‘Zowie!’ — was ever on covers of old comic books.

I believe there’s an enchiladas-and-soup restaurant by that name in Phoenix, Arizona, and some word games feature ‘gadzooks,’ as well.

Just the other day was a gadzooks kind of day, in a way, for me and my family. Our neighbors, for many years, were embarking on a new adventure on the East Coast. We’d talked over the fence, over the years. We happened to be out in our front yard, at the moment, several years ago, they were pulling into their driveway with their first newborn baby. And over time, we’d seen him taking his first tentative steps and then, later, running and scootering, and riding his first bike.

We, more recently, were getting to know their son’s newborn baby sister. We’d met visiting grandparents.

Gadzooks! The painters just arrived to paint their place, before it goes up for sale.

Other neighbors of ours were excited about their first vacation in the aftermath of the pandemic. They’ll be vacationing carefully, with lots of activities outdoors, including bicycling. A grown son will be riding our grown son’s bike. They’re good friends, and our son felt good giving up his bike for a few days.

And we’re helping some other neighbors with some things, just as they’ve helped us with things, over the years, and – gadzooks! – this sure feels good!

I should be writing about annoying current events, and annoying politicians and politics, which I tend to do. But that can wait.

There’ll be plenty more days when I’ll be thinking – Gadzooks! – more as a mild oath, I’m sure, than as an explanation of surprise. But not today!

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.