Of the three major forms of government in the United States — federal, state, and local — none affects citizens more directly than local government. Local governments provide citizens with essential services, such as police and fire protection, streets and roads, libraries, recreation, clean water, schools, and so much more.
‘Lessons on Local Government’ is sponsoring a poster contest open to 1st through 5th grade students in Colorado. Students are asked to create an 8.5” X 11” poster showing a community helper who works for the family of local government (cities, counties, school districts, and special districts).
The theme if the contest is: “Local government helpers make our communities safe, clean, fun and smart.”
Participation is limited. Open for only the first 20 teachers committing to participate by sending an email to kentwillmann@gmail.com.
Completed posters must be received electronically or postmarked by April 23. Winners will be announced by May 7. Five winners will be selected, one for each theme, plus one winner who combines all four themes. Each winner will receive a $50 gift card and winning posters will be featured in a 2022 monthly calendar, promoting Lessons on Local Government.
Judging will be based on whether the poster is informative, how well it connects to the theme, and visual presentation (neat, visually appealing). Teachers and Colorado Municipal League (CML) officials will serve as judges.
Each 8.5” x 11” poster entry must include:
- The name of a local government community helper, program or service associated with a city, county, school district, or special district. Examples include: police, sanitation, parks, recycling, elections, libraries, roads, transportation, etc.
- A specific theme the student associates with the program or service. “Local Government is .” (Safe, Clean, Fun, or Smart, or all four).
- Hand drawn, electronic, or a combination of images illustrating the program or service.
- On the back or on a separate sheet of paper, include the student’s name and a brief explanation of the service depicted and how it connects to the theme. No more than 50 words.
Students may work alone or in small groups at the teacher’s discretion.
Want to participate or have questions? Contact Kent Willmann at kentwillmann@gmail.com.
Visit www.lessonsonlocalgovernment.org for lessons, links, ideas, and more, or contact Lessons on Local Government Trainer Kent Willmann at kentwillmann@gmail.com for lesson ideas.