Colorado GOP Chooses New Leadership Team

By Joe Jackson

Former Colorado GOP Chairman Ken Buck released his final statement as leader of the Colorado Republican Committee following the election of new officers by the State Central Committee:

“I’m excited to congratulate new Colorado GOP Chairman Kristi Burton Brown, Vice Chair Priscilla Rahn, and Secretary Marilyn Harris. I know that the Colorado GOP is in good hands as we move to retake our state in 2022 and provide Colorado with leaders who will step up and fight for our state,” stated Former COGOP Chairman Ken Buck.

“Kristi, Priscilla, and Marilyn are the first all-female team to lead the Colorado GOP and I’m confident that they will be successful at driving our Party to many wins and successes over the next two years.”

Chairman Kristi Burton Brown won on the third ballot by 59%; Vice Chair Priscilla Rahn won on the third ballot by 53%, and Secretary Marilyn Harris won on the first ballot by 59%.

Left to right: Secretary Marilyn Harris, Vice Chair Priscilla Rahn, and Chairman Kristi Burton Brown.

For the first time ever, the Colorado GOP will be led by an all-female team.

The new team took office on Saturday, March 27 at the State Organizational Meeting.

Joe Jackson is Communications Director for the Colorado Republican Party.

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