LETTER: Lauren Boebert vs The Constitution

Never one to shy away from publicity, our GOP District 3 Sarah-Palin-wanna-be candidate for Congress — Lauren Boebert — has been busy. She wants us to believe that dark forces of the “deep state” are at work to destroy America. I don’t know about you, but unmarked vans and unidentified “police” taking individuals to unknown locations in Portland could qualify as the “deep state”.

She claimed that protesters were bused in for the Juneteenth March in Rifle, claiming that they were here to divide our city. No proof, but truth and the GOP seem to be adversaries. If you look at her website, you’ll see that Colorado Boots on the Ground bikers proudly support her. Peaceful protesters were confronted with armed individuals and bikers revving their engines to drown out the marchers. Never mind the 1st amendment, she only loves the 2nd.

My wife wondered: What if those guys on motorcycles and carrying guns had been black or brown?

Ms. Boebert has characterized the Black Lives Matter movement as “trying to elevate one group or class above another”, claiming the 14th Amendment has already made us all equal under the law. I’m curious if Ms. Boebert can tell us when minorities and women became elevated to the same status as white men, let alone above them? Equal pay, education, housing? I’ll wait.

In 1870 the 15th Amendment theoretically gave African Americans the right to vote. Prior to that, only white men could vote. It was 95 years later that the Voting Rights Act had to be signed in 1965. Yet according to the ACLU, voter suppression is still rampant, especially since 2008. Ask Obama and Clinton.

The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920. Yet women are still discriminated against in the work place, in healthcare, in education. Let’s not even mention freedom of choice. Minority women are especially disadvantaged in today’s society.

Perhaps Ms. Boebert should stop mentioning amendments to the Constitution, as apparently she knows very little about them. Except the 2nd, of course. She’s claimed her restaurant is the top tourist attraction in Rifle. We need good leadership, not a roadside distraction.

Craig S. Chisesi
Rifle, CO

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