LETTER: A Campaign to Ban Fires in Archuleta County from April through September

Year after year, we hear news of catastrophic fires destroying entire communities like Paradise, California. Today’s news is exactly the same. California homes up in smoke, nearly 150,000 acres ablaze now in Colorado… threatening cities like Glenwood Springs… and not all that far from Beaver Creek and Vail.

Why is this such a big deal to me? Because we are continuing to turn our backs on an event that can, and with good probability will, happen here if we don’t do something drastic.

At this point in time, we should not be afraid of extreme measures. Just for thought — did you think the day would come when we would have to all wear a face covering to go out in public? Did you think your kids would participate in this thing called ‘remote learning’? No sports, colleges closing within days of opening, hoping for something called a stimulus check, limiting purchases at the grocery store, not being able to visit your sick loved one at the hospital or nursing home, not holding a funeral after death of a loved one, being ordered by the Governor to Stay at Home… on and on.

Things are different, and there is nothing much we can do about but live with.

But… we can and must take action now to protect our piece of ‘Paradise’ here in Archuleta County, Colorado.

Don’t hide your head this time. Join the movement to Ban All Outdoor Fires in our County from April through September. No, it’s not what we grew up with. but remember… this is the Day of the New Normal.

Tony Medrano
Pagosa Springs, CO

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