HMPRESENTLY: Cockeyed & Subtle as a Brick

More cockeyed, by the minute?

The DHS – the Department of Homeland Security – apparently, quite quickly, is switching the military apparel federal agents, deployed in American cities, have been wearing, to less threatening-looking garb. As a PR strategy, this may be about as subtle as a brick.

That’s an old expression – subtle as a brick – I remember adults using, when I was a kid.

So, does this mean other steps might be in the works to soften the fed troopers’ — and the Department of Homeland Security’s — image? Like, maybe, changing the color of tear gas federal forces fire at folks, from scary yellow to a soft pastel? And, those projectiles they fire at people – those rubber bullets and pepper balls – will they, too, get a makeover?

There’s been a lot of news about President Trump mispronouncing Yosemite’s name, in remarks he delivered at the White House, prior to signing a bipartisan conservation bill. Reading from a script, the president said: “When young Americans experience the breathtaking beauty of the Grand Canyon, when their eyes widen in amazement as Old Faithful bursts into the sky, when they gaze upon (Yoh-se-might’s, as POTUS said the name) – “Yoh-se-might’s” towering sequoias, their love of country grows stronger and they know that every American has truly a duty to preserve this wondrous inheritance.”

You kind of wonder how the White House Press Secretary, or someone on her staff, might have attempted to explain away POTUS’s pronunciation of the name. Like this, maybe?…‘The president’s way of saying various words reflects his unique speaking style and leadership qualities.’

But, mispronunciation aside, to be blunt, who talks like that? About Old Faithful bursting into the sky?

I saw Old Faithful, as a kid. It was exciting, when it erupted, precisely when it was due to erupt, right on schedule. But, bursting into the sky? And other words in the president’s prepared remarks… ”wondrous inheritance,” and so on? When do you hear this POTUS speaking like that?

Well, anyway, signing legislation focusing on conservation, would have been positive PR, had the president not mispronounced Yosemite.

Let’s see, what else, recently, has been as subtle as a brick? Well…

“In an abrupt reversal, President Donald Trump is encouraging voters in the critical swing state of Florida to vote by mail after months of criticizing the practice – and while his campaign and the GOP challenge Nevada over its new vote-by-mail law,” according to ABC News. Nevada happens to have a Democratic governor. Florida’s governor is a Republican.

And last, but not least, in subtle-as-a-brick PR… the president’s unwavering COVID-19 commentary… that “this (virus) will go away like all things go away.”

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin

Harvey Radin is former senior vice president in charge of corporate communications and media relations, Bank of America Western Region. He makes his home in Redwood City, CA.