OPINION: Housing Groups Condemn Trump’s Effort to Gut Fair Housing

By Matthew Kravitz

This week, a coalition of civil rights, affordable housing and consumer advocacy organizations condemned the move by the Trump administration to eliminate a critical tool for addressing systemic racism and segregation in our communities. In its haste to undermine this central component of the Fair Housing Act, the administration has done an end run around the normal rulemaking process and adopted a new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule by executive fiat. This new rule is at complete odds with Congress’ intent in including this provision in the Fair Housing Act of 1968, as well as decades of case law interpreting this provision. That act requires federal agencies, especially HUD, to “affirmatively further fair housing.”

Under the AFFH mandate, localities receiving federal assistance must take meaningful actions to undo decades of federal, state, and local discriminatory policies and practices that resulted in creating racially segregated, under-resourced communities that persist to this day. They must also address local policies that illegally discriminate against residents. Further, they must ensure that all neighborhoods have equitable access to high quality schools, healthy food, clean air and water, reliable transportation, quality healthcare facilities, and other community resources and amenities. Under the Trump administration, HUD suspended the AFFH regulations finalized in 2015 – effectively gutting the only meaningful guidance since the Fair Housing Act for how states and localities should correct discriminatory housing practices and undo the harms caused by racial segregation, housing discrimination and disinvestment.

“Housing justice and racial justice are inextricably linked. The AFFH regulation was an important step to rectify decades of racist housing policies that created today’s segregated neighborhoods and all its associated harm to children, families and the country.” said Diane Yentel, president and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition. “Secretary Carson has worked to undermine fair housing since the day he stepped into the HUD building, so this action is not surprising. But it is abhorrent for Trump to use a critical fair housing tool for election year race-baiting, particularly during a time of reckoning for racial injustices.”

This action by the President is the administration’s latest effort to thwart access to fair housing and to perpetuate segregation. The coalition calls on him to rescind this mandate and reinstate the 2015 AFFH regulation.

There is considerable evidence that all residents benefit from diverse, inclusive communities. Research by Harvard University Economist Raj Chetty showed that moves by lower-income residents to higher-income neighborhoods not only reduce the inter-generational persistence of poverty but also ultimately generate positive returns for taxpayers. Despite this evidence, the president has falsely claimed that AFFH would lead to decreased property values and increased crime in suburban communities. Given that one statutory purpose of AFFH is to create more housing opportunities for people who have been historically excluded from predominantly white neighborhoods due to federal, state, and local policies and practices, the president’s assertions have clear racial implications. This mandate, issued just a few months before the presidential election, is designed to engender fear among suburban white voters.

“The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing provision of the long-standing Fair Housing Act is needed to dismantle decades of government-sponsored discrimination that led to segregation and disinvestment in healthcare, housing, education, and other essential services in Black communities and other communities of color,” said Odette Williamson, staff attorney and director of the Racial Justice and Equal Economic Opportunity Project at the National Consumer Law Center. “The disparate impact on highly segregated Black communities that were historically redlined still plays out today as Black families bore the brunt of early infections and death due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This unacceptable action is yet another attempt by the Trump Administration to roll back hard-won civil rights protections that provide housing opportunities for people who have been excluded from highly resourced communities.”

At a moment when much of the nation is calling for sweeping reforms to overcome structural racism and achieve greater racial justice and equity, the administration is seeking to eviscerate the legal requirement to achieve greater desegregation and housing equity. The president’s action today is especially egregious during the coronavirus pandemic when millions of families of color are experiencing disproportionate income and job loss and are at greater risk of being evicted from their homes and becoming homeless.

“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to amplify the grave disparities and structural racism that exists in our country’s housing system,” said Seema Agnani, executive director of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development. “The administration’s lack of respect and care for the American people continues to reveal itself and is truly putting our communities and neighborhoods at further risk. Such actions are simply unacceptable and make very clear the administration’s priorities during this time crisis.”

“Once again, Trump is seeking to strip historically marginalized communities of their basic civil and human rights,” said Vanita Gupta, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “At a time when evictions, joblessness, and housing insecurity are exacerbated by the pandemic, gutting the Fair Housing Act will only serve to continue systemic racism and segregation against families of color seeking secure, safe, and fair housing. This cruel action continues housing inequity today as well as for future generations. All people in America deserve fair housing, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.”

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