OPINION: Rocky Mountain Wolf Project Condemns Killing of Colorado Gray Wolf in Wyoming

By Rob Edward

The Rocky Mountain Wolf Project condemns the killing of Colorado gray wolf 2505-BC in Wyoming. This was a devastating act that highlights the failure of USDA Wildlife Services, Wyoming ranchers, and state agencies to prioritize coexistence over lethal control. This wolf’s death appears to result from negligence in adopting proven non-lethal strategies to prevent conflicts between wolves and livestock.

“This senseless killing was avoidable,” said Rob Edward, President of the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project. “Wyoming ranchers and federal agencies have the tools and knowledge to prevent livestock losses without resorting to lethal measures in most cases. Their refusal to implement these practices is reckless and undermines the hard-fought efforts to restore wolves in Colorado.”

Non-lethal methods such as range riders, fladry, livestock guardian dogs, and carcass management are well-documented as effective solutions to reduce wolf-livestock conflicts. Yet, Wyoming ranchers and USDA Wildlife Services continue to rely on outdated lethal tactics instead of embracing these science-based approaches.

“By ignoring non-lethal tools, they aren’t just failing wolves — they’re failing their own communities,” Edward emphasized. “The public overwhelmingly supports wolf restoration in Colorado. Actions like this betray that trust and jeopardize the progress we’ve made.”

This incident also raises serious concerns about cross-border wolf management. Colorado’s voters mandated the restoration of wolves to the state, but neighboring states must treat wolves returning to their historic range with respect and manage them responsibly.

“We cannot allow the progress made in Colorado to be undone by Wyoming’s failure to act responsibly,” Edward added. “We demand accountability from USDA Wildlife Services and Wyoming ranchers. They must immediately adopt non-lethal coexistence practices if they hope to prevent further unnecessary losses.”

The Rocky Mountain Wolf Project remains steadfast in its commitment to restoring wolves to their rightful place in the Rockies. We call on federal and state agencies, as well as ranchers, to end their reliance on lethal control and embrace modern coexistence strategies that benefit both wildlife and livestock producers.

The Rocky Mountain Wolf Project is dedicated to the restoration of gray wolves to their historic range in the Rocky Mountain West. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, the Project seeks to foster coexistence and restore vitality to ecosystems where wolves once thrived.

Rob Edward is president of the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project.

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