Are you interested in local food production? If so, before you go any further, put this date on your calendar – the next Growers & Producers Forum is this coming Monday, March 24, from 4-5:30 at the Library.
The presentation, Strategies for Growing Food at Altitude – Greenhouse and Beyond is by Chris Frederics of Terra Walk Farm. Chris has years of experience behind him and we will come away with many new learnings about growing; that is one purpose of the Growers & Producers Forum; there are others.
The Forum also encourages networking and the sharing of opportunities and challenges. Creating a vital local food system in our area will take significant individual effort as well as community support.
The Forum also welcomes the inexperienced or the frustrated grower/producer — folks who face obstacles on the way to achieving their dreams. Should you know someone who fits that description, invite them to come along. Meanwhile, hope to see you at the Forum on Monday March 24.
Healthy Archuleta is also seeking community input into the development of a food hub and wants to hear from you. Way back in 2017, before Healthy Archuleta came into being, we heard mention of a food hub during our gatherings to talk about healthy local food. Later, Healthy Archuleta created the Food Distribution Center to collect, store, and distribute food for the seven food pantries. But we realized that was only part of the story of a food hub. In fact, we understand that a food hub can be many things, and it is up to the community to decide what exactly it should be for them.
Healthy Archuleta has developed a questionnaire to learn from the community about how they could use a community food hub. To share your voice, please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire and let us know what you would find valuable in our community. From that, Healthy Archuleta will create a vision for the future and work to find funding to realize that vision. The Food Hub Questionnaire can be completed at
To learn more about the efforts of Healthy Archuleta, please visit our website at or send us an email at