As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, one of over one thousand, the Pagosa Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship is centered in love along with our shared covenant, which is expressed through a set of inseparable and deeply interdependent shared values.
Pluralism: being one of those, and is expressed as: We are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience,and theology. Our exploration of differing beliefs and traditions take us deep into curiosity.
At this time of the Vernal Equinox our focus shifts from the internal reflection of winter to the external as light and darkness come into balance. Moving towards the Spring Equinox occurring on March 20, the Pagosa UU Fellowship with honor this shift on Sunday, March 16, beginning at 10:30am. All are invited to join the Fellowship to celebrate this seasonal shift through story and song as we enter this time of Spring renewal.
We gather to Grow in Spirit, Make Friends and Do Good, as our motto states. You can find us at Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza, 301 N. Pagosa Blvd. on the north side facing the Pagosa Peak.
We also offer Zoom services the first and third Sundays of the month. Find our current newsletter at for the link to join and to view our current offerings. A shortened Buddhist group meditation practice is held the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:00am. Meditation and Dharma talk is held the second and fourth Sundays from 9 – 10:15.
Our Service Leaders this week:
Michael Demchak was raised with a Unitarian Universalist background for most of his childhood in Connecticut. He moved to Denver with his family in 1976 and began attending the Mile High Church of Religious Science. He studied Computer Science at Metropolitan State College, but pursued other careers including: Pharmacy Technician, Accounting, and Facilities Management. In 2007 he became active in a Pagan meetup group and helped it grow into Living Earth Church where he co-created many circles as a Pagan priest. He enjoys camping, four wheeling, skating, music, photography, and nature. Michael has lived in Pagosa Springs Colorado since 2017. He is Chairperson of the Sunday Service Team, President, and a lay minister for the Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
De Anna Hoyle currently serves the Fellowship as Community Engagement Coordinator. Her background is in UU-focused lifespan religious education and a consultant with congregations experiencing transitions. Hoyle holds certification in spiritual companioning from Cherry Hill Seminary, the only Pagan, Earth-Centered seminary in the US. As a spiritual companion, she holds space for individuals and groups who are seeking ways to awaken wonder and embody peace. As a life-long learner, she has recently realized that her two young grandchildren are the best teachers of all.