OPINION: Commissioner Medina Should Resign Immediately to Restore Trust to the BOCC

Instead of waiting to hear back about the Independent Ethics Commission’s (IEC) investigation into Commissioner Veronica Medina’s actions last year, in regards to the attempt to mislead the public at large so that a multi-million dollar real estate transaction could go through — footed by the taxpayer — I decided to take the advice of her supporters who laughed in my face about her flagrant transgressions, and I filed complaints myself with the Division of Real Estate (DRE) directly against Medina and her employing broker, Shelley Low.

These complaints cite misconduct, misrepresentation, and falsification of their business relationship to the public and request revoking their licenses to prevent any future attempts to defraud the taxpayer on their behalf.

The complaints include 21 pieces of evidence including video and public statements, proving that Medina and Low have misinformed the public about their relationship despite extensive state regulations governing their broker-agent relationship under the state’s Division of Regulatory Agency (DORA). The DRE under DORA has now opened investigations, and these complaints will serve as further evidence to the IEC that Medina is, by law, an agent of EXIT Realty Home and Ranch, LLC.

Commissioner Medina cannot simultaneously act in the best interests of both a private business and the taxpayers — Colorado law explicitly forbids it. Yet, she knowingly attempted to do just that and misled to the public repeatedly in attempts to move forward unabated with this behavior.

The state is stepping in to see if they need to enforce the law.

Archuleta County’s mission is clear: “To enhance the Archuleta County community by providing services with integrity, leadership, accountability, and transparency.” But instead of upholding these values, Commissioner Veronica Medina has disgraced our county. Her actions are not just unethical — they are an embarrassment to every hardworking resident who expects their government to focus on roads, public safety, and real community needs — not an unnecessary multi-million-dollar development to benefit political allies.

For nearly a year, Medina has misled the public about her employment status, falsely claiming she is self-employed when, in fact, she is legally bound to operate under her employing broker, Shelley Low of EXIT Realty Home and Ranch, LLC. Real estate law is clear: Associate Brokers absolutely cannot act independently. Medina ignored these laws in a push to secure a lucrative land deal for her employer.

She has repeated misinformation in private, in public, and even under oath, submitting a sworn affidavit to the Independent Ethics Commission (IEC) attempting to cover up her misrepresentations.

As Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, Veronica Medina helped push forward a grossly inflated $2.2 million land purchase for a new county administration building — property that just so happened to be represented by her own employing broker. If the deal had gone through, EXIT Realty would likely have secured an estimated $400,000 in commission.

And it wasn’t just Commissioner Medina. Others in power actively helped her. The Office of Attorney Regulation with the Colorado Supreme Court has also opened an investigation into actions by County Attorney, Todd Weaver, for his role in this misconduct, and has been presented video evidence for the complaint which states Weaver represented Medina during her recall effort, falsely claiming it was part of his official County duties, and purposefully and fraudulently misrepresenting the law to the public, on her behalf, by telling taxpayers she is not an agent… despite being unable to cite any laws supporting this position.

Attorney Weaver also should immediately resign.

What has this corruption cost us? It has torn our community apart. Instead of working together to solve real issues — like infrastructure, economic development, and housing — our county has been consumed by infighting, retaliation, and fear. Residents who tried to hold Commissioner Medina accountable faced harassment, libel by the newspaper, and other forms of retaliation. Public meetings turned into battlegrounds.

Meanwhile, they claim those who fight back are the ones tearing the community apart. We are not the problem. Corruption is.

We simply refuse to be forced into financially supporting corruption. The behavior discussed is not just unethical… it’s a disgrace. Archuleta County’s reputation is at risk.

No working class person wants to pay into a system of corruption, and we are already experiencing a worker drought. Do we really want a worker desert as a tourist town? Do we really want the potential to be known statewide or nationwide as a corrupt county… when we are trying to draw tourists and homebuyers here? Every day Commissioner Medina remains in power is a further humiliation for our county.

Removing corrupt officials is only the first step. We must ensure this never happens again by demanding true servant leadership — leadership that prioritizes the people and the entire community that has invested in Pagosa Springs and Archuleta County over personal gain. We need elected officials who lead with integrity. Candidates must commit to full transparency and uphold ethical standards.

Unfortunately because we did not hold our officials accountable, the state was brought in for enforcement of the law. But in the end, the electors are the only ones that can hold our officials accountable, and we need to be more involved to ensure contracts and land deals are fully transparent and publicly debated before votes take place.

Public pressure eventually caused Commissioner Medina to abstain from voting on the land deal, and the purchase was defeated.

If Commissioner Medina had real integrity, she would resign. But the state may hold her accountable. And the people of Archuleta County must stand together — not divided by the corruption she has fostered, but united in demanding its removal.

We are better than this. We must end this disgrace and rebuild our county with true servant leadership. The rule of law must prevail, if our community is going to remain healthy.

Note: When Commissioner Medina resigns, the Republican Central Committee will be allowed to appoint another Republican to the position.

Rachel Suh

Rachel Suh lives in Pagosa Springs, and is a Certified Scrum Master and Certified Human Rights Consultant. She works as a Strategic Consultant providing tailored facilitation, mentoring, teaching, training, and coaching. She has a passionate hobby of Political Activism.