By De Anna Hoyle
The Pagosa Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship is pleased to have Julie Loar share with us and the community once again. Julie Loar is an award-winning author of eight books and dozens of articles, and a long-time resident of Pagosa Springs. She has served on the Steering Committee of the Fellowship and on numerous community organizations in Pagosa Springs.
In her talk entitled Exploring the Nature of Prayer, Consciousness, and Quantum Physics, Loar explains that prayer is a universal human expression that exists in every human culture and is a practice found in religions across time. Prayer is a way to communicate with the sacred, divine, the transcendent realm, or the supernatural.
In our time, quantum physics is revealing the interconnectedness of the Universe, what we may think of as ‘god,’ and the nature of consciousness.
“We are beginning to see the entire universe as a holographically interlinked network of energy and information, organically whole and self-referential at all scales of its existence,” states Ervin Laszlo, a philosopher of science, which inspires Loar to ask the question, “What might be the relationship between prayer, quantum physics, and consciousness?”
Join us this Sunday, February 2, beginning at 10:30am for an opportunity to explore this dynamic topic as we come together building community.
Pagosa UU Fellowship offers worship services and programs with a wide range of topics and interests. Our worship services are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 10:30am. We are located at Unit B-15 of the Greenbriar Plaza, 301 N. Pagosa Blvd. on the north side facing the Pagosa Peak. We offer Zoom streaming of our service, and a link to join online can be found at, where you will find our current newsletter with information on all our programs.
Offered each Sunday at 9:00am is Buddhist meditation, including a Dharma talk on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. We encourage you to email your interest to to be added to the email list for announcements or changes.
Pagosa UU is a Welcoming Congregation, and we believe that all of who you are is sacred, and all of who you are is welcome. Find out more at
De Anna Hoyle is Community Engagement Coordinator for the Pagosa Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.