LETTER: Colorado, Vote Your Conscience on Prop 127

Proposition 127 is plain and simple: it is just as inhumane to use GPS technology to tree and shoot a mountain lion with a pack of dogs as it is to use a leg hold trap or drone to hunt.

Is Proposition 127 based on what Coloradans think is acceptable? Yes.  Is that acceptable? YES.

Thirty years ago, Colorado’s wildlife agency developed and applied standards “consistent with public expectations for humane treatment of animals.” (Colorado Division of Wildlife, 1994)

Opponents claim what people think is cruel doesn’t matter; heck, they don’t even think science matters. But, as a matter of law both public perception and science matter.

That’s why as a Colorado resident of 30 years, I’m proud to make my voice heard: YES on Prop 127 to end animal cruelty.

Vote your conscience, Colorado.  Join the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commissioners who are calling for an end to “cruel, unnecessary, and unsporting” practices. It’s the law and what you think matters.

Pam Milmoe
Arvada, CO

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