The issue at hand is a column I wrote for the Daily Post called “My Republican Family (and Other Aggravations!)”

In this article I failed to do something that I usually insist upon: fact checking my work. I’m afraid I stated something that was not true and it seems to have upset Mr. Beatty to the point where he called me out in his most recent column.

I believe the sentence in question is within the third paragraph from the bottom of the story. I stated: “He [Trump] does not support democracy and the rule of law and is a pathological liar, a convicted felon, a draft dodger, an insurrectionist, an adulterer, a misogynist, a racist… and a litter bug.”

After a thorough fact check I realized I had made a regrettable mistake: Donald Trump is not a “litter bug.”

At risk of repeating myself, I repeat: Donald Trump is not a litter bug!

I would like to apologize to Mr. Beatty, and my readers, for such a grievous error. I promise that, in the future, I will refrain from such outrageous claims. It will never happen again – I assure you.

I do enjoy reading Mr. Beatty’s humorous articles, and I’m glad we have such a talented comedian among the Daily Post’s contributors.

Best wishes to everyone!

DC Duncan

DC has been a frustrated musician for over fifty years, and now has decided to become a frustrated writer. Learn more at He’ll keep you posted.