Archuleta Commissioners Approve ‘Operation Green Light’ to Honor Veterans

In advance of the upcoming Veterans Day holiday, Archuleta County plans to illuminate County buildings ‘green’ from November 6 through 12 as part of Operation Green Light for Veterans, a nationwide effort to support military veterans. In its second year, the initiative led by the National Association of Counties (NACo), raises awareness around the unique challenges faced by many veterans and the resources available at the county, state, and federal levels to assist veterans and their families.

At the October 17 regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, resident veterans including Archuleta County Veteran’s Affairs Officer Raymond Taylor, surprised attendees and the commissioners with a presentation of the colors and singing of the National Anthem.

Subsequently, BOCC Chair Ronnie Maez signed Resolution 2023-122 into effect, in support of the cause.

In addition to lighting county buildings, residents and other organizations are encouraged to participate by simply changing one light bulb in their home or office to a green bulb. This can be an exterior light that neighbors and passersby see, or an interior light that sparks a conversation with friends. By shining a green light, we let our veterans know that they are seen, appreciated, and supported.

Counties and residents across the country are sharing their participation on social media using the hashtag #OperationGreenLight

Ashley Springer

Ashley Springer

Ashley Springer began working as Archuleta County Communications Specialist and Public Information Officer in 2023.