EDITORIAL: Fear of Filing

I received a couple of emails recently, offering thoughts about the higher property tax valuations here in Archuleta County.

Both writers suggested an intention to protest their valuations this year.

As mentioned in my recent editorial series, property owners cannot challenge their property tax, per se… but they can definitely protest their property valuation, if they file a protest by June 8.  The future property tax will be based on the valuation.

Speaking for myself, I’ve never protested my property valuation, so my experience is limited.  I can share only ‘second-hand’ knowledge of the protest process.

Naturally, I asked both writers if they would be willing to share their concerns and ideas with Daily Post readers.  I felt they both had useful information that could be shared with the community.  As we all know, government officials sometimes make mistakes, and it’s left up to the taxpayers to point out those mistakes, and recommend improvements.

In this case, both email writers declined to submit a letter for publication.  Apparently, there is some fear that, if you publish your ideas about the validity of the recent valuations, and your ideas about how to conduct a successful protest, you might negatively influence your own chances for a successful protest.

I can’t say whether that is true, or not.

I know that very few people enjoy being criticized, and the folks working for the County government are no different, in that regard.  I know, from personal experience, that grudges can be carried by government employees and officials, the same way the rest of us can.

My study of history, however, suggests that certain people have been willing to die — to give up their lives — to defend a political idea, or a nation, or a a tribe, or a community.

That amounts to quite a sacrifice.  To give up your life.

I know many people in the community know more about the protest process than I do.

Would Daily Post readers be willing to sacrifice a few hundred dollars, if indeed that were the cost of publicly sharing their knowledge about, and experience with, successful property valuation protests?

We might hope so.


Bill Hudson

Bill Hudson

Bill Hudson began sharing his opinions in the Pagosa Daily Post in 2004 and can’t seem to break the habit. He claims that, in Pagosa Springs, opinions are like pickup trucks: everybody has one.