On the LPEA Ballot, arriving around May 5, will be a proposed bylaw amendment. This amendment includes three topics.
1. Electronic communication
2. Electronic voting
3. Member Initiated meeting
Three topics should be three bylaw amendments, and three separate votes. It might make a person wonder what the LPEA board is trying to sneak by the members?
In the guise of aligning with state law, they are virtually abandoning the members right to petition for an all-member meeting. Currently, our bylaws specify that an all-member meeting can be initiated by petitioning the board with 500 signatures. Under state law, it requires 10 percent of members to sign; for LPEA that is currently around 3500 signatures. In a rural area, like the LPEA service area, it would be nearly impossible to door knock for 3500 signatures.
Why would the board suggest this change? How does this change serve members?
Please read the amendment carefully and vote NO.
John Purser
Durango, CO