INTERVIEW: Pagosa Springs ‘Mayor Pro Tem’ Matt DeGuise

This interview originally appeared on the Town of Pagosa Springs website.

For the past 13 years, Matthew DeGuise has called Pagosa Springs home. Soon after moving to the community from Denver, he had the urge to get more involved and find a way to give back to his new hometown. So, when the opportunity to run for Town Council in 2018 emerged, he jumped at the chance.

Now, one year into his second four-year term, DeGuise was recently appointed by Town Council to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. This new title is in addition to his other Council-appointed roles with the Pagosa Springs Sanitation General Improvement District, Pagosa Springs Urban Renewal Authority, Colorado Association of Ski Towns and Southwest Colorado Transportation Planning Region.

Get to know Mayor Pro Tem DeGuise, and what he loves most about Pagosa Springs through our interview with him below.

What’s your favorite thing to do/place to go in Pagosa Springs?

Since I live downtown, I enjoy many of the downtown restaurants and soaking in the Hot Springs. I’m frequently walking my dog on the Riverwalk and enjoying all the amenities in the parks. However, my favorite thing to do is to go skiing. You will also find me at the music in the park events and the festivals on Reservoir Hill.

Why did you choose to run for Town Council?

Since moving to a smaller community, I felt it necessary to give back to the community in some way. I didn’t always agree with some of the Council’s directions when I lived outside the town limits and felt the best way to prevent bad decisions would be to get involved once I moved downtown. It was also easy since I ran unopposed during my first election cycle.

What upcoming Town projects or initiatives are you excited to work on?

I am excited about the East End of town. This area contributes a lot to our economy and is the first part of town people see when they visit from the east and the south. There is a lot of potential here, and I hope the improvements spur additional economic development in the area. I hope continuing the Riverwalk and improving river access upstream from there becomes a long-term council goal.

While maybe not as exciting, during my next three years, I want to help lead the Sanitation District to a long-term, financially viable position and find a water treatment solution that makes sense for the expected long-term growth.

How does your professional work with Growing Spaces, a successful local business, help inform or influence your duties on Town Council?

I have firsthand experience with the inability to attract and retain good workers due to the lack of [affordable] housing. It also gives me firsthand experience with primary job creation, and while perhaps on the backburner since COVID, trying to create policies that will retain our best employers while recruiting or incubating new primary jobs. Having a more diverse economy will help recruit better candidates within our other organizations, such as the hospital and school, when spouses also have career opportunities.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself?

My winter job is as the Assistant Director of the Wolf Creek Ski School, and within that, I supervise the Adult Ski School program. I’ve worked for the ski area and Growing Spaces since moving here, and I don’t think I would have lasted as long as I have in both my jobs without the seasonality aspect.

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