Editor’s Note: The following story is by Angel Westen, a student at Pagosa Peak Open School, who recently wrote about characters who worked as midwives in Medieval times as part of a literature project. The Daily Post welcomes submissions of student writing, with parental permission.
Ilana was in the village, strolling along, looking at the shops and looking at all the things she couldn’t afford. It was windy out and her long black hair flowed in the wind. The sun made her brown eyes exceptionally beautiful. As she stopped at a shop to see what they had for sale, a young man ran up to her.
“You girl! What’s your name?!” he shouted out.
“Ilana!” she shouted back.
“Well, Eleanor, I desperately need your help! The queen is delivering a child and I believe you’re capable of doing the job! I see from your outfit that you’re a midwife!” Ilana was quite annoyed that he called her Eleanor but moved past it.
“P-pardon?! The queen’s baby?! I’m not sure I could do that!”
“Don’t worry, I believe in you. Just follow me to the castle quickly; she desperately needs your help.”
As Ilana followed behind the boy walking at a very quick pace, she started thinking about some consequences of failing the delivery. She could be beheaded, banished, or maybe even something worse. Whatever could happen, she couldn’t think about. She’d be so stressed about what would happen to her that she couldn’t focus on delivering the baby. Ilana just had to breathe and let it go. If this young man trusts her, she can most certainly trust herself.
Once Ilana and the boy arrived at the castle, she couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The combination of blue and gold accents against the white castle walls was absolutely stunning, for she had never seen anything quite like it before! There was no time to waste though, Ilana had to go inside and help deliver that baby. She quickly rushed into the queen’s bedroom with the boy and she took some deep breaths but started to think the thoughts again.
What if I can’t do this? What will happen to me? I didn’t even prepare myself to deliver a child so important.
The thoughts were rushing through Ilana’s head like a river, and this time it was much harder to push the thoughts away. What was she gonna do? It’s not like she can confidently deliver a baby in these terms.
She was taking a bit to think, but took a deep breath and prepared herself. I got this, she thinks to herself. I will deliver this baby; I can do this. She was sweaty and nervous but did her best nonetheless, and to her shock, she successfully delivered the baby.
The queen decided to have a ceremony for Ilana and the young man who found her in the village. There were many people and the queen was giving a speech.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here on this beautiful sunny day to celebrate the birth of my child, and not to forget of course, this incredible young woman who helped deliver him. He’s a beautiful baby boy and I’m grateful that he was brought into this world. Thank you, young lady, for doing something wonderful that takes quite a lot of bravery and confidence to do.”
The queen turned to Ilana and smiles as the crowd cheered. Ilana was grateful the queen was nice enough to throw a party for her.
“Thank you” Ilana whispered to the queen.
“No, thank you.” the queen replies. “You deserve this party.”