Rise Above Violence will host a free talk about internet safety tomorrow, Friday, March 21 from 2-3pm at the library for teens and tweens. The session will cover how to make sure you know the people you are communicating with online, as well as how to tell if the messages or requests you are responding to are safe – and what to do if they are not.
This Rise event is part of an ongoing monthly series aimed at teens and tweens about forming healthy relationships and finding ways to deal with others safely.
Survival expert talk
Next Tuesday, March 25 from 1 – 2:15 p.m. Jessie Krebs will host a free session on “Knots, Hitches & Lashings.” She is a former U.S. Air Force SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) training instructor.
As one of a handful of women in the male-dominated SERE career field, Jessie outsmarted and out-toughed many of her male counterparts in the Air Force to make it through the intense training program. And she is passing her knowledge on.
Today she is a technical consultant and on-screen survival expert for international survival shows including “Alone” season nine, Science Channel’s “Hacking the Wild” and Fox’s “Kicking and Screaming.” On National Geographic’s “Mygrations” she became one of only a handful of humans ever to complete a primitive crossing of hundreds of miles of Tanzanian Serengeti on foot.
Back by popular demand: free tax help
Because of the popularity of her first time providing individualized help with taxes, Kathy from VITA Tax Help is offering free personal sessions at your library again on Friday, April 7 from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome. But before you meet face-to-face with Kathy, there are two important steps you must follow. First, you need to pick up a tax packet at the library and complete the packet fully. Then you need to call Kathy at 970-553-9150 to make an appointment for your session.
We are very grateful to Kathy for donating her time and sharing her tax expertise with our patrons at these free sessions.
Craftapalooza tomorrow
All ages are invited to create a variety of crafts Friday, March 21 from 2-3:30 p.m. All supplies provided.
Adult knitting Saturday
Join new and experienced knitters Saturday, March 22 our free Knitters Circle from 1-3 p.m. It is aimed at anyone over the age of 18 who would like to knit together or get some help if you are stuck on your project.
Ageless Grace exercise Monday
In a special community partnership program, Judy, adult services librarian, is leading an Ageless Grace exercise program at the Senior Center every Monday in March from 10 – 10:45 a.m. It is a brain fitness program consisting of 21 simple exercises designed for all ages and abilities, performed while sitting in a chair. The Senior Center location was chosen so participants have more privacy as they exercise.
Writers Guild
Thursdays from 9-11 a.m. the Ruby’s Writers Guild welcomes writers looking for opportunities, support, resources and camaraderie with other writers at this free gathering.
ESL classes
Free in-person evening classes take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with 4-5 p.m. reserved for beginners, 5-6 p.m. for intermediate and 6-7 p.m. for advanced students. Please help us pass the word about these classes.
Clases de inglés
Clases gratis de inglés cada martes y jueves. Principiantes de 4-5 p.m., intermedios de 5-6 p.m. y advanzados de 6-7 p.m. Ayudenos a informar a todos quienes necesitan aprender inglés.
Activities calendars
Pick up monthly calendars at the library so you don’t miss any of the free programs, events and activities available to you and your family.
Downloadable books
CloudLibrary has a wide variety of downloadable e-books and audiobooks for all ages. To access this free digital collection, download the cloudLibrary app, answer a few simple questions, select AspenCat Union Catalog for the name of your library, then enter your library card number and 4-digit PIN. Library staff are happy to help you set up your device if you need assistance.
New classic books section
We have created a new classic books section in the library, thanks to a donation of books from Lee Stopher. They include “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte and “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes.
“Severance” stars Adam Scott in a film about a work-life balance experiment. “One Piece Film Gold” is an animated Saw Hats feature set in the world’s greatest entertainment center. “Super Troopers” is a two-movie collection.
Books on CD
“There Are Rivers in the Sky” by Elif Silafak is a multi-century epic. “Reborn as a Demonic Tree” is book three of the Isekai LitRPG fantasy series. “Death of the Author” by Nnedi Okorafor features a successful Nigerian sci-fi novelist. “The Oligarch’s Daughter” by Joseph Finder is a spy novel.
Large print
“Chronological Bible” is the entire text of the New Living Translation in 365 daily readings arranged in the order the events actually occurred. “By The Fire We Carry” by Rebecca Nagle chronicles the Muscogge’s generations-long fight for tribal land in eastern Oklahoma. “Nordic & Finn” by Peter Brandvold is book one of a new series set in New Mexico Territory.
Mysteries, suspense and thrillers
“Battle Mountain” by C. J. Box is a Joe Pickett and Nate Romanowski mystery. “Close Your Eyes and Count to 10” by Lisa Unger follows an extreme game on a secluded island. “Mask of the Deer Woman” by Laurie L. Dove features a former Chicago policewoman who returns to the reservation to take the marshal job. “Death Takes Me” by Christina Rivera Garza begins with a warning on a crime scene photo. “A Dragon of the Black Class” by James Rollins is a pre-apocalyptic fantasy.
Other novels
“The Bright Sword” by Lev Grossman is a reimagining of the King Arthur legend for the new millennium. “Same Bed Different Dreams” by Ed Park blends history and fiction about what might have happened in Korea. “Tracking Game” and “Striking Range” by Garet Mizushima are Timber Creek K-9 mysteries featuring Robo. “Farm From Home” by Danielle Steel features a wife and mother hiding in occupied France. “The Familiar” by Leigh Bardugo is set in the Spanish Golden Age. “Theft” by Abdulrazak Gurnah is a coming-of-age story in 21st century Tanzania.
Thanks to our donors
We are very grateful to Lee Stopher for her donation of books to help us build our classic books section, and to Donna Mosher for her donation enabling us to purchase new staff computers.
Donation guidelines
The Friends of the Library have new guidelines for donations to the library. Books on time-sensitive topics that can quickly become out of date are wanted only if they have been published within the last five years. These subjects include politics/current events, health and medicine, sports/exercise, business, technology, science, education and travel guides. Not accepted are reference materials, textbooks and non-print material like CDs, DVDs, Blu Ray, VHS or cassette tapes because they do not sell at Friends of the Library sales.
Quotable Quote
“Travel really has a value. I came home [from my first trip] with a strong feeling that the world is filled with good people. It’s filled with joy, it’s filled with love, it’s filled with diversity that we should not be afraid of, that we should embrace and celebrate. And you won’t know unless you get out there and see for yourself.” – Rick Steves, American travel writer, travel host, PBS TV personality and author of guidebooks who specializes in European travel.
For more information on library books, services and programs – and to reserve books, e-books, books on CD and DVDs from the comfort of your home – please visit our website at https://pagosalibrary.org