On Tuesday, February 4, 2025 the Chamber of Commerce, Town of Pagosa Springs, the TOPS Police Dept. and the Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division are partnering to provide two free Alcohol Awareness and Serving Safely training classes. The two-hour classes will be held from 10am to noon and 1 to 3pm at the Ross Aragon Community Center on Tuesday, February 4.
Although the classes are free, we are asking for people to register online, here.
We expect these classes to be popular; therefore, we would like to make sure we have enough room in each class. If your business serves alcohol, we encourage you to send those staff members that may not have taken one of these classes in the past. If you are an events coordinator, we encourage you, perhaps some of your board members or key volunteers to attend one of these classes.
At the class you will learn the current regulations regarding BAC or blood alcohol content, tips to detect when someone may have had too much to drink, how to respectfully and responsibly decline to serve more alcohol to a person you believe has been imbibing too much, some of the liabilities involved in serving too much and much more. In all cases, insurance companies want to know if staff or volunteers have been trained or certified. Therefore, this is an important class to attend. One of these classes has not been offered for several years, so now is the time to send your people. Questions on the class may be directed to Mary Jo at the Chamber at (970) 264-2360 or director@pagosachamber.com. Be Safe. Be Responsible. Attend this class and send others.
Thanks to Our WinterFest Volunteers
As we wrap up another successful WinterFest weekend, even without the quantity of snow that we are accustomed to, we know that our events would not happen without the great efforts of our volunteers.
This year, we want to start off by thanking all the people that donated their Christmas trees to the bonfire. We had a huge number of trees and were worried that we weren’t going to get through the whole pile! So, thanks to all who helped make this year’s bonfire huge! Thanks also to those fire tenders that fed the bonfire for hours! It was a grueling job.

At one point however, we had some reprieve from some youngsters who kicked it into gear and helped us haul trees over to the fire. Your youth and enthusiasm were a blessing for us “older” volunteers! We didn’t get your names, but we appreciated your help! Then there are those volunteers who just participated in many small ways even when they didn’t sign up to “work” a shift. People donated things like heaters, helped us out during the day and night of the bonfire, cleaned up our Visitor Center after the plunge, helped us haul goods and so much more. These events just DO NOT HAPPEN without help.
Thank you community for every little bit that you did, and a huge hug to all those that worked for hours so that others could have a good time. We appreciate every contribution, big or small.
Next on the Chamber’s Calendar… the Annual Gala and Community Awards on Friday, February 7 at 6pm at the PLPOA Clubhouse. Get your ticket now or volunteer to help out in some way. Contact Anna, Membership Coordinator at info@pagosachamber.com for more information.
Thank you, Community, for always pitching in!