The membership of the PLPOA is almost completely dependent upon the PLPOA leadership (namely the Directors and the General Manager) for information concerning the gymnasium project currently under consideration.
I believe the circumstances of my resignation from the PLPOA Board of Directors are relevant to that issue. I therefore feel compelled to offer a brief summary of those circumstances.
Prior to November 14, 2024, I was critical of the Directors’ manner of undertaking the gymnasium project. I particularly disagreed with a survey which gave the membership options as to how they wanted to pay for the new gymnasium without an option to object to the project. It was my opinion that the Board of Directors should have carefully reviewed the language of the survey before sending it out. I urged the Board to take a “hands on” approach to its communication with the membership and I submitted a Motion giving the Board a chance to review those communications before they were published to the membership.
This Motion, based on my opinion of subsequent communications, did not resolve the issue. I therefore submitted my resignation immediately prior to the November 14 meeting of the Board.
At the Directors’ meeting (still on Thursday, November 14) immediately after I submitted my resignation, the Directors submitted a Motion to Rescind my earlier Motion which had given the Board the opportunity to review gymnasium related communications. It was noted then that Mr. Roth, the General Manager, reviewed such communications and that there was no need for the Board to micromanage those communications. (See minutes of the November 16, 2024 Meeting of Board of Directors posted on the website.)
Accordingly, two days later, on November 16, it appears that Mr. Roth would have approved the following statement to be published to the membership on a slide presentation and in a “Narrative” set out on the back cover of the PLPOA Gymnasium handout distributed at the presentation.
“…While we feel somewhat discouraged in having to seek permission for the gymnasium when other projects that serve far less of the community have not required it, we respect and abide by the governing documents …” (slide 18 of presentation)…”
That statement went on to explain that, “…In fact, the chance to vote on that project is a unique privilege…”.
This vote is, in fact, our right, not a ‘privilege’. It is set out in black-and-white in the bylaws.
The above statements were not well received. Therefore, a “clarifying of statement” which clarification notably did not, in my opinion, apologize for or withdraw the statement, was published on the PLPOA website on November 22, 2024, under, Gym-talk, “Addressing Misunderstandings”.
It is my opinion that the Board of Directors and the General Manager do, in fact, feel discouraged (irritated?) by the fact that they are required to seek our permission before undertaking a two million dollar plus gymnasium project with our money — as is plainly required by our bylaws.
I believe this attitude should be considered when evaluating information received from the leadership.
Patrick Moore
Pagosa Springs, CO