Christmas Tree Recycling for Pagosa’s WinterFest Bonfire

Pagosa is full blown into the holiday spirit, including decorating those Christmas trees.

Whether you are able to get out and cut your own or purchase one from several of the stores that have them for sale, unless it was a live tree that you will be replanting, you will be looking to take it out of the house and dispose of it. Please think of recycling your tree for the annual WinterFest Bonfire to be held on January 17.

The recycling point for the trees will be held again at the Archuleta County Fairgrounds at 344 Hwy 84, just south of the Hwy 160 and Hwy 84 interchange. The entrance to drop off your trees will be the entrance off Hwy 84. If you pull into the fairgrounds, just drive about 10 yards and you will see the depository and signage south of the entrance on your right. Just create a large pile; however, be cognizant not to block the drive that goes back to the grouping of historic buildings. We ask that you remove ornaments from the trees and do not recycle fake trees. Only real trees will be accepted.

We would love to see a large number of trees as the WinterFest Bonfire event is expected to grow in popularity this year. The Bonfire will kick off the WinterFest activities which will take place from January 17 to January 19. Included this year will be the Bonfire on the 17th, the hot air balloon mass ascensions on January 18 and 19 from the west side of town, the Penguin Plunge, Sledz on Rez and the Barkus Parade on Saturday, January 18, and Skijoring and Nordic Club events on January 18 and 19 with a dance hosted by SkiJor Pagosa the night of January 18. There will also be a March for Equality held on Saturday, January 18.

It’s shaping up to be a very busy WinterFest weekend!

If your organization is interested in “taking the plunge”, Penguin Plunge applications are already available online at Scroll down on the homepage to “More in the News” and click on the WinterFest graphic. This link will take you to the WinterFest site where all the events are listed and the forms available for some of the events. This is a great and fun – albeit cold – time for your organization to make some money by jumping into the frigid San Juan River. Registration is $30 per plunger and you must raise a minimum of $50 for the valid nonprofit agency.

Family and organizations may also want to get involved in the Sledz on Rez event. Registration forms for this activity will be on the Chamber website soon.

Contribute to the blaze that will be happening on January 17 by depositing your tree at the Fairgrounds. Come out for hot drinks, live music, food and lots of winter fun. For more information, contact the Chamber at (970) 264-2360

Mary Jo Coulehan

Mary Jo Coulehan is Executive Director of the Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, and also serves on a number of local and state boards.