GOCO Award Will Support Town of Pagosa Springs Property Purchase

By Crystal Medrano

This week, the Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) board awarded a $420,000 grant to the Town of Pagosa Springs to expand public river access along the San Juan River’s eastern gateway.

The grant is part of GOCO’s Community Impact program, which develops and revitalizes parks, trails, school yards, fairgrounds, environmental education facilities, and other outdoor projects that enhance a community’s quality of life and access to the outdoors.

Funding will help the Town acquire and improve a 4.3-acre property adjacent to the San Juan River. The project aims to expand public river access and recreational facilities, while preserving the natural beauty of the area. Once all phases are completed, the new park will provide needed public river access to the upstream portion of town, as well as additional public parking, restroom facilities, ADA river access, and an extension of the Riverwalk Trail.

The GOCO grant will support the first phase of the project, which includes an environmental assessment, site clean up, design planning, boat ramp installation, and improved parking. The design process will help determine a second round of improvements at the site.

“The community has been searching for an opportunity to create a true public river access point on the upstream end of the town,” said David Hilborn, Pagosa Springs project manager. “This project will provide that and so much more for the public’s ability to access and enjoy the river corridor.”

Various community surveys over the past decade informed the project, which also aligns with the Town Council’s goals for 2023-2024. This effort complements ongoing efforts to improve the San Juan River corridor, including the Pagosa Gateway River Improvement Project, a partnership between The Town of Pagosa Springs, the Upper San Juan Watershed Enhancement Partnership, Trout Unlimited, and others to enhance ecological health and recreational opportunities along the river.

Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) invests a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s parks, trails, wildlife, rivers, and open spaces. GOCO’s independent board awards competitive grants to local governments and land trusts and makes investments through Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Created when voters approved a constitutional amendment in 1992, GOCO has since funded more than 5,800 projects in all 64 counties of Colorado without any tax dollar support.

Visit GOCO.org for more information.

Crystal Medrano is Communications Officer with Great Outdoors Colorado.

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