Archuleta County Seeking Housing Survey Input from Residents, Employers

Archuleta County, the Town of Pagosa Springs and the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation (PSCDC), have retained ECOnorthwest and Western Spaces to conduct a comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment to better understand the housing needs of the County’s workforce and identify the projected housing need in the next 10 to 20 years.

The assessment will further identify the types of housing, at what income range and size is needed in our area. The County, the Town of Pagosa Springs, and the PSCDC appreciate in advance all resident input.

Archuleta County is conducting a Housing Needs Assessment Survey to better understand the housing experiences and needs of our residents and local employers.

Who Should Participate
Residents—renters, homeowners, young professionals, seniors, and everyone in between!
Employers—local business owners, HR professionals, and managers who understand the housing needs of their workforce.

“If you live in Archuleta County or the Town of Pagosa Springs, this survey applies to you,” said Archuleta County Development Director Pamela Flowers. “Your data is important even if you are comfortably housed because it gives us the true baseline for housing in our community.”

In order to properly assess community needs, this survey deadline has been extended to November 22.

In 2023, Archuleta County was awarded a Strong Communities Program grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to retain a consultant team and conduct a regional housing needs assessment. The HNA will ultimately inform the development of a workforce housing strategy and help adjust other initiatives to support potential housing developments and programs as they arise.

Links to the survey in both English and Spanish can be found at

Residents and employers are both urged to participate, and there are individual surveys for each. The survey closes on November 22.

Questions, please email Ashley Springer, Pamela Flowers,, or call 970-264-8378.

Ashley Springer

Ashley Springer began working as Archuleta County Communications Specialist and Public Information Officer in 2023.