A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW: Trump’s Brilliant Political Stunt

My fellow Daily Post columnist, Louis Cannon, recently tendered his humorous appraisal of Donald Trump’s ‘Crazy Humor’.

I would like to append Cannon’s appraisal.

Cannon focuses on Trump’s recent stint as a French-fry cook at McDonald’s.  Anyone with even a modicum of a sense of humor knows that Trump was trolling Harris’ unverified claim of having worked the French-fryer at a McDonald’s in her youth in an attempt to pose herself as a regular person.

Trump mocked Harris — and in the process accomplished two important goals. First, he interacted with McDonald’s employees, and customers, one-to-one — which is retail electioneering at its finest.

Second, and more important, he caused Harris’ sycophants in the media to freak out and profoundly proclaim such dumb things as “Trump working at McDonald’s was a staged political stunt!” Well, no shit, Sherlock! Is it all their years of experience as a television “journalist” that enabled them to figure that out, so they could educate the rest of us?

Of course it was a stunt. A damn funny, successful, one. Getting his political opponent’s supporters to respond by breathlessly stating the obvious — and in the process making fools of themselves by showing they lack a sense of humor.

Harris’ supporters in the media fell for it.

As an added bonus Trump is fund raising from it, just as he did from the mugshot from his arrest in New York on trumped-up charges (for the benefit of any Harris supporters reading this, that’s an example of an intentional pun).  Those t-shirts, and coffee mugs, will be as iconic as ‘I like Ike’ buttons from the 1950’s.

How can you not have fun with this?

An acquaintance of mine likens many of us publicly supporting Trump this year to the crew of a comedy pirate ship — roving the political seas plundering parody gold from the truculent self-righteousness of many of our opponents, while wreaking satirical havoc on their intellectual elitism — and laughing our asses off the whole time. Which makes them ever more sanctimonious, sending them further over the edge of ranting irrationality.

I’m proud to be part of that crew.

Our go-to news source is the Babylon Bee — which proclaims itself the place to find ‘Fake News You Can Trust’.  A spiritual incarnation of the sorely-missed National Lampoon, ‘The Bee’ has an uncanny knack for posting satire that eventually becomes truth.

Meanwhile, Harris supporters get the vapors over Trump staging a photo op during a political campaign . How can we not laugh at them ? Why shouldn’t we mock Harris and Walz? Who can take them seriously? They are embodiment of ‘The Veep’… and Elmer Fudd.

Are those analogies silly? Of course! That’s the point — which many of Harris’ supporters completely miss. Instead, they get offended.

The Trump vs Harris presidential race has become a parody of two other fictional characters — Randal McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. Those familiar with Ken Kesey’s classic novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest will immediately recognize Trump and Harris as those respective fictional characters. (The book is far superior to the movie.)

Harris (Ratched) is an authoritarian, demanding we all do as we’re told, obey the establishment’s arbitrary rules – while only thinking and saying what she deems permissible. Trump (McMurtry) is challenging that authoritarian regime — “Fightin’ the system”.

Harris/Ratched represents the ruling regime. Trump/McMurphy subverts that regime — thumbing his nose at Harris/Ratched in the process.

I’ve been told that it’s akin to sacrilege to treat a presidential election — especially one “as important as this” — so irreverently, because it’s “too serious to joke about”.  Really?

In the 2020 election, the Biden campaign arranged to have 51 “former intelligence community officials” promulgate a letter falsely claiming the ‘Hunter lap-top story’ was Russian “disinformation”.  Evidence in the subsequent trial of Hunter Biden revealed the FBI knew the laptop was genuine at the time that letter was written.

We also now know the Biden campaign colluded with ‘Big Tech’, and the regime corporate media, allegedly suppressed public disclosure of the truth about the laptop before the election.

Biden then referred to that letter in a presidential debate as conclusive evidence the laptop was fake. There is polling research indicating that, had the truth of the laptop not been suppressed, the election would have gone to Trump.

If outright lying, and suppression of the First Amendment, to manipulate an election is what the opposition means by taking things seriously, I prefer satire and mockery — of them. They deserve it.

Trump is ‘merry prankster’ (another call-back to Ken Kesey). Harris is humorless. Trump is the class clown. Harris is the ruling regime’s hall monitor, lecturing us on how to behave — and telling the principal we were smoking in the boy’s room.

In the words of Billy Joel, “I’d rather laugh with the sinners, than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun!”

You might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd
We ain’t too pretty, we ain’t to proud
We might be laughing a bit too loud
Ah, but that never hurt no one…

— from Only The Good Die Young

Gary Beatty

Gary Beatty lives between Florida and Pagosa Springs. He retired after 30 years as a prosecutor for the State of Florida, has a doctorate in law, is Board Certified in Criminal Trial law by the Florida Supreme Court, and is now a law professor.