LPEA Announces Board Election Results, Partnership with Mercuria

Results of the 2024 La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) election were announced at the cooperative’s annual meeting on September 18. This meeting was held to not only elect and seat new directors but also to present LPEA’s 2023 annual report and accomplishments. LPEA also announced, on Wednesday, a new partnership with Mercuria Energy America.

In accordance with LPEA Bylaws, one seat in each of LPEA’s four districts comes up for election annually. There were no bylaw amendments on the ballot for this election.

District 1 (Archuleta County): Candidate Kirsten Skeehan won with 990 votes. Candidate Dusty Mars received 466 votes.

District 4 (North & East La Plata County): Candidate Tim Wheeler won with 1,030 votes. Candidate John Purser received 718 votes.

With no challenger applications received in Districts 2 and 3, the following candidates were seated unopposed:

District 2 (South & West La Plata County): Incumbent Kohler McInnis was seated.

District 3 (City of Durango): Incumbent Ted Compton was seated.

Of the 18,479 ballots mailed out in all districts, a total of 3,209 LPEA members cast votes for an approximate 17.37% return rate.

LPEA announced a strategic agreement with Mercuria Energy America, LLC (Mercuria), one of the world’s largest independent energy and commodity groups. Mercuria will help LPEA build a new energy portfolio following the transition from its incumbent provider on April 1, 2026. LPEA’s planned exit from its current power contract aims to stabilize power costs and increase clean, local power.

“We’re excited to announce a significant update on our energy transition,” said Ted Compton, President of the LPEA Board. “What sets Mercuria apart is their ability to help us design and secure a portfolio of assets tailored to our specific needs. With their support, we’re confident that this collaboration will deliver exceptional reliability and economic efficiency.”

Mercuria is renowned for its efficiency and innovation, integrating advanced technology, deep industry knowledge, and low-carbon solutions into the energy value chain. The company is a leader in the energy transition, pledging over 50% of its new investment capital toward renewable and transitional energy. Their strategic initiatives include investments in renewable power generation, energy storage, and grid optimization, reinforcing their role as a global leader in the shift toward a low-carbon economy.

“We are committed to advancing the transition to a more sustainable, affordable, and reliable energy system for tomorrow. We proactively invest in projects and companies helping the world decarbonize and accelerate the transition towards more sustainable energy sources,” said Cody Moore, President and Head of U.S. Gas and Power Trading at Mercuria.

Mercuria’s West Power team includes experts on regional opportunities in the Southwest. Its members are Colorado natives based in Denver.

The portfolio Mercuria will help LPEA develop aligns with LPEA’s goal to cut its carbon footprint by 50% from 2018 levels by 2030 while keeping electricity costs lower than 70% of LPEA’s Colorado cooperative peers. By leveraging regional resources and Mercuria’s market understanding, LPEA aims to enhance energy reliability and progress toward a greener future.

“We’ve hit the ground running with Mercuria, and their expertise has already proven invaluable in guiding our energy transition,” said Graham Smith, Interim CEO of LPEA. “Their commitment to integrating renewable energy is essential as we move towards a sustainable future.”

LPEA invites members to attend a series of town hall meetings to discuss the cooperative’s power supply and future initiatives:

Durango Town Hall
Date: October 21, 2024
Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm
Location: LPEA Headquarters, 45 Stewart Street, Durango

Pagosa Springs Town Hall
Date: October 23, 2024
Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm
Location: Ross Argon Community Center, 451 Hot Springs Blvd, Pagosa Springs

These meetings allow community members to voice their questions to LPEA representatives.

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