Pagosa Community Supports Archuleta Food Pantry Network

On Saturday, August 31, our community members generously supported the Food Pantry Network with the donation of non-perishable food items during Healthy Archuleta’s Food Drive at City Market. Over 1,100 food items were donated and later shared with the seven food pantries in Archuleta County. Additionally, funds donated during the event will help support locally grown/produced food purchases for the Food Pantry Network.

If you did not get the chance to participate in the food drive, you can still make a donation of non-perishable food items at the UPS Store during their business hours.

To learn more about the efforts of Healthy Archuleta, please visit our website, or send us an email at

2024 Archuleta Health Fair & Expo Coming Soon – Save the Date
The 2024 Archuleta Health Fair & Expo will take place on Saturday, October 19th, at the Pagosa Springs High School. This event will feature low-cost labs, health screenings, healthcare providers, and health and wellness exhibitors. Registration information will be released in the coming weeks. Healthy Archuleta is seeking volunteers to help with the event and welcomes businesses and individuals to help sponsor the health fair to help bring low-cost preventative healthcare services to our community members.

To learn more about the 2024 Archuleta Health Fair & Expo, volunteer, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit our website or send us an email at

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