Informational Meeting About Commissioner Medina Recall Process

Please join Archuleta County Commissioner Veronica Medina and Reclaim Archuleta for an informational meeting about the current recall process to remove Veronica Medina as Commissioner for allegedly violating state laws, by acting as an agent of Exit Realty while financially benefiting the company in a formal vote.

The meeting will be held Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 9:30am at the Ruby M. Sisson Memorial Library, located at 811 San Juan Street.

  • Learn about the petition efforts to have a recall election to remove Veronica Medina as a County Commissioner and hear from Commissioner Medina directly about the actions in question. Ask your questions about the actions, and about the reasons for the recall effort.
  • Learn about what an “Agent” and “Representative” is, according to state law, the legal difference between an “Agent” and a “Registered Agent”, and why this matters.
  • Learn about the recall effort process and what happens if Veronica resigns, if the recall fails, or who replaces her if it is successful.
  • Understand the four laws the petition alleges Commissioner Medina has broken and the validity of the petition.

In order to have a recall election, potentially to be joined with the General Election on the General Election Ballot, the Petition must be signed by 1,823 valid Archuleta County electors by September 3, 2024.  We need you to be informed so you can make the right decision.

Right now, the Commissioners have tabled the purchase of the property (X HWY 160) being represented by Shelly Low at Exit Realty, the principal independent proprietor broker on whose behalf Veronica Medina is currently acting as an Agent to enter into contractual agreements with buyers and sellers, with a vote for a purchase agreement slated for September 3.

Now is the time to get involved in your local politics, and make a difference for your community.

Can’t make it? Please visit this website to anonymously ask your questions, to be shared at the recorded informational meeting.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you this Saturday!

Reclaim Archuleta

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