PHOTO ESSAY: Bob Howard Memorial Pickleball Tournament Features Thingamajig Theatre Actors

Photo: The Tournament contestants. Thingamajig actor/director Dennis Elkins, standing back left in the group photo taken at the net, was scorekeeper. Host Carole Howard is standing second from right..

Photos courtesy Carole Howard and Kate Alfred

Thingamajig Theatre Company actors competed in the second annual Bob Howard Memorial Pickleball Tournament on August 5 in honor of Howard, a longtime theatre patron who died of congestive heart failure last October. He was an active member of the Pagosa aviation community, having owned 13 planes and two gliders during his lifetime, and also a member of the Gray Wolf Ski Club and Pagosa Springs Golf Club.

The Tournament games were played on a court on the Howard driveway. Pagosa resident Kate Alfred was director of the annual pickleball tournament.

Two-person mixed doubles teams were created by a random card drawing.

Tournament winners were Nyla Eltahir and Keenan Pasqua.

The actors also played multiple games of boules, the French version of bocce…

…and took time out to play with Lucy.

Marmalade slept through most of the festivities.

After the awards dinner, the actors put on a concert with Dominic Girolami on piano and Keenan Pasqua on guitar performing pop, golden oldies and — of course! — Broadway show tunes.

The pickleball players are among the summer Broadway in the Mountains actors performing in three musicals at the Pagosa Springs Center for the Arts in rotation until late August: Jimmy Buffett’s “Margaritaville”, “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical”, and Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.”

Tickets are available on the theatre’s website at or by phoning the box office at 970-731-SHOW (7469). All are family friendly shows.

Thingamajig Theatre Company, in residence within the Pagosa Springs Center for the Arts, is Pagosa’s only professional nonprofit 501(c)(3) live theatre venue. Its talented cast and crew come from across the U.S. to produce award-winning musicals, comedies and dramas year-round. The theatre was co-founded in 2010 by Tim and Laura Moore, both award-winning actors and directors.

Carole Howard

Carole Howard