LETTER: Regarding the ‘Recall Commissioner Medina’ Petition

I want others to understand that all the facts have not been presented. I have friends that have requested info from the people representing the recall petition and they received only parts of the minutes, leaving out that Commissioner Medina did and always has disclosed that she is a Licensed Real Estate Agent and that she has no personal interest nor financial gain in the issue being discussed.

I’d like to understand those that are pushing this recall. I have listened to the recording of the meeting regarding the presentation of property at 160 and S. Pagosa and the Aspen Village Property. You can too at https://www.archuletacounty.org/CivicMedia?VID=146. About 2 hours and 18 min in, you will hear Commissioner Medina announce that she is a real estate agent and has no financial gain from this issue, as she has done many times in meetings that involve anything with real estate transactions.

Just because her license is with Exit Realty, she does not have any financial gain unless she is the agent on the transaction, which she is not. She campaigned as a person with experience in Real Estate and in Human Resources. These things and her focus, ethics and determination to do the right things for Archuleta County is what got her elected with an overwhelming majority of the vote. She has never hidden the fact that she is a real estate agent as is being projected by Reclaim Archuleta. Reclaim Archuleta quotes CRS Statute but they don’t lay out all the facts.

Our County has many other problems and things to deal with. County Commissioners rely on the information provided to them by the County Administrator and Staff. If Commissioners Maez and Medina did not feel they were getting the best information and did not have trust in those providing it, it was their duty as the elected officials of Archuleta County to make sure they have the right people in the positions of Admin and Human Resources especially.

If you haven’t attended County meetings or watched video of the meetings, you really need to think before you consider signing this petition. Go get all the facts, not just Opinion pieces. Go to the County website and watch the videos, make decisions for yourself.

Commissioner Medina’s family is also dealing with some difficult medical issues at this time, and I am asking that Archuleta County residents include the Medina family in your prayers.

Ronnie Zaday
Pagosa Springs

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