Calling All Backyard Growers… Dome Growers… Community Growers…

Dear Backyard Growers, Dome Growers, and Community Growers…

We are thrilled to invite you to contribute fresh produce donations to support the seven local food pantries in Archuleta. Your harvest can make a real difference, and we’re here to help you find the perfect drop-off location. Healthy Archuleta offers two convenient spots for drop-offs.

The first location is at the Community United Methodist Church (CUMC) Food Pantry downtown on Lewis Street, where we have a cooler available during their open hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10am to 12noon. The second location is at the Food Distribution Center warehouse (FDC) next to Terry’s Ace Hardware, open on Thursdays from 12:30pm to 2:30pm and Friday morning from 8:30am to 10:00am. Please call 970-585-6011 if you plan to drop off produce at the FDC and/or have any questions about the produce donation efforts.

Your hard work is much appreciated, and your fresh produce donations in Archuleta County will make a real difference for those who may not have a green thumb or the space to grow their own garden. Let’s come together to ensure that everyone in our community can enjoy fresh, healthy produce this season.

To learn more about the produce donation, please visit our website or send us an email at

Upcoming Talks with a Gardener at the Pagosa Springs Community Garden
Attention Gardeners! Do you want to talk about gardening in the high country with some of your fellow growers? Come join the conversation and talk about a variety of gardening related topics including the experiences and occasional challenges of growing in a mountain community. Find out what other gardeners are doing in their gardens or learn about sharing space in a community garden.

Healthy Archuleta is hosting one-hour gatherings this summer at the Pagosa Springs Community Garden, located downtown along the San Juan River walk (next to the domes). Starting this Saturday, July 27, followed by two Saturdays in August and two Satursays in September. All sessions will run from 8:30am to 9:30am.

Join us on the following Saturday mornings, July 27 (this Saturday) and August 10, August 24, September 7, September 21.

Bring your cup of coffee, your questions and your ideas as we meet in the garden to share community.

To learn more about the efforts of Healthy Archuleta please visit our website or send us an email at

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