WILDFIRE UPDATE: Snow Ranch Fire, June 13

Photos courtesy US Forest Service.

The report posted to InciWeb on Thursday evening indicated that the Snow Ranch Fire near Aspen Springs had grown from the Wednesday estimate of 3 acres, to 323 acres. Here’s the information from Thursday’s report:

Burnout Operations Complete

Fire start date:   June 11, 2024

Fire size today:  323 acres

Location:  11 miles west of Pagosa Springs       

Personnel:  100

Cause:  Lightning

Closures: The fire area remains closed to public entry. Fire activities will be taking place on both sides of NFSR 681 (Chris Mountain Trail) and fire traffic will be heavy so please avoid this area. Crews expect to reopen access to the road within a few days.

Latest Smoke Outlook: https://fire.airnow.gov/?aqi_v=2&m_ids=&pa_ids=%23


  • Manage hazards to responders and the public using a risk-based approach to decision-making on a continual basis
  • Protect critical values at risk
  • Reduce the long-term risk to communities from future wildfire events


  • Firefighters completed black lining and interior lighting operations using ground and aerial ignition, locking the fire within previously defined indirect boundaries along existing roads and constructed fireline.


  • Fire crews will patrol and secure the edges of the fireline, holding the fire within the perimeter. A drone will also perform infrared flights for aerial monitoring.
  • Smoke is expected to be less visible Friday, though some smoke will continue as interior pockets of unburned fuel, such as pine needles, Gambel oak, and dead and downed trees, continue to smolder and burn.
  • A weather disturbance will enter the area, bringing cloud cover and the potential for showers and gusty winds. Relative humidity will be higher than previous days and temperatures cooler.
  • Please do not call 9-1-1 to report this fire.

Smoke is visible in the area and it may settle into valleys and other low-lying areas, especially at night and in the early morning hours. Wildfire smoke may affect your health. For more information, please go to:  https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wood-smoke-and-health

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