New Colorado Law Incentivizes Graywater Uses

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed the bi-partisan Measure to Incentivize Graywater Use bill (HB24-1362) into law.

This law authorizes the installation of graywater treatment works in new construction projects.  Graywater systems recycle in-home water from laundry, shower, bath, or sinks. Though below drinkable standards, this graywater can be reused for toilets and watering lawns. The bill passed the legislature with unanimous approval. The bill was signed into law at Colorado Mountain College in Steamboat Springs.

The prime sponsors in the house are Representative Marc Catlin (R-HD58) of Montrose County, and Meghan Lukens (D-HD26) of Routt County. The prime sponsors in the senate are Senator Dylan Roberts (D-SD8) of Eagle County and Senator Cleave Simpson (R-SD6) of Alamosa County.

Representative Catlin says, “Newer and newer technologies are becoming available to the market. The state of Colorado needs to look at these technologies to help people conserve water in their daily lives. People in Colorado are cognizant of the realities of water in the west and they want to do their part. It is time that the state of Colorado steps up to allow and even incentive our residents to help conserve water.”

Colorado State Representative Marc Catlin represents the eight counties of Dolores, Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel. Representative Catlin is the Vice Chair of Agriculture, Water, & Natural Resources Committee, is a member of the Capital Development Committee, and is Ranking member of the Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee.

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