The Chamber has been alerted that, after many years of a Friday delivery just prior to the Memorial Day weekend for our annual hanging baskets, we now have a new pick-up day and location!
Those ordering the 12” baskets will now need to pick up their baskets today, Tuesday, May 21 after 12 noon.
We will also have a new, more convenient location to pick up the baskets. Thanks to the Parks and Recreation Dept. of the Town of Pagosa Springs, we will be using Mary Fisher Park on San Juan St. to hand out the baskets. This park will allow one-way in and one-way out access, plenty of parking, and space for people to move about and select their baskets. Instead of turning into the Visitor Center parking lot, participants will now turn east onto San Juan St. by the Healing Waters Spa. Travel down the street to the second driveway to enter the parking lot and exiting will occur at the first driveway. Signage will be present; therefore, please adhere to the instructions for a smooth pick-up experience.
The 16” baskets are scheduled for pickup on May 30 after noon. These flowers will be available for pickup at the Chamber in the Visitor Center parking lot. The 16” baskets are sold out.
There are still 12” baskets for sale. Visit the Chamber website at to register.
Baskets will be available until sold out. The weather should be warming up soon and people are chomping at the bit to get their gardens, porches and patios planted and decorated…