OPINION: An Ardent Supporter of Robert F. Kennedy Jr

I am an ardent supporter of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., with deep knowledge in matters relating to his candidacy. I work strictly as a volunteer at People for Kennedy, and do not represent Mr. Kennedy’s campaign.

I appreciate the opportunity to respond to the Politico article recently referenced in the Daily Post, wherein the authors refer to Mr. Kennedy’s lifelong pursuit of truth and patient-first care as ‘lies’.  I strongly believe that Politico not only mischaracterizes RFK’s positions, but they are perpetuating a very dangerous narrative that threatens the health of most Americans, especially the poor and middle class.

And I am here to prove that.

It appears the authors are unaware of recent health trends, or have chosen to ignore them. Please allow me to inform your readers.

First, please see this chart from The Economist and Kaiser Foundation. Notice the stunning and sudden drop in life expectancy in the U.S. since 2019 (over 2 ½ years on average), and how life expectancy elsewhere has rebounded since COVID:

The next step would be to read my article in The Falconer.  The Daily Post audience and the young authors at Politico will learn a lot by reading it.

Yes, we are paying twice as much for healthcare compared to any other country, and yet we are dying sooner and sooner. All this to keep the profit spigot churning at big pharma and elsewhere. We are in the midst of a major chronic disease epidemic in America, and they want to castigate the one candidate who wishes to do something about it!  How utterly insane.

Another point of reference is this NIH study, which reveals that 58% of infant deaths over a 20-year period were within 3 days of vaccine administration. And 78% were within 7 days. Did the authors even do their basic research on this?   Mind you, this study is from the NIH!

Mr. Kennedy is the only candidate who seeks to get to the bottom of what even the Chairman of the FDA now concedes is a brewing “catastrophe.”

More info I have published:

“American Healthcare: A Model of Sickness” — an eye-opening revelation of the realities about healthcare in America; and

“My Open Letter to the Media re: RFK Jr.” This piece highlights not only the potential dangers of vaccines, but raises serious questions about the future of journalism in either a Biden or Trump administration, where media becomes nothing more than stenographers for the state. This is happening right now, as with failed societies of the past. Articles like Politico’s, which seem to rely on playing ‘gotcha’, appear to serve as cover for the true motives of those in power.

Mr. Kennedy rightfully points to the corrupt, incestuous relationships between government agencies and corporations, with average Americans the casualties. We are engaged in outright biological warfare and propaganda warfare. RFK is the only candidate remotely qualified to address these matters, which are herding Americans like cattle into a den of complicity. He has been a David fighting Goliath his entire life on behalf of those who cannot help themselves. That continues in his quest for the presidency. Readers can learn more at Kennedy24.com.

Many Americans are stuck in tribal thinking and polarized discourse, and struggle to objectively take stock of what is happening. They are susceptible to propaganda from bought-and-paid-for media outlets. I pray your readers are not among them. Like many, I once believed Mr. Kennedy to be a conspiracist. I was as vulnerable and lazy as I was wrong. I am grateful to have been open-minded enough to learn so much since. There is so much at stake.

Epistemology asks the question: How did we come to know what we think we know? Can we distinguish between knowledge and belief?

I beg everyone to wake up and look around!

Then begin to ask questions and seek truth, unencumbered by motive.

Thank you for your time.

Paul Lobosco
Red Bank, NJ

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