Archuleta County Landfill to Close Temporarily, Oct. 9 through Oct. 20

The Archuleta County Landfill will close October 9 through October 20 to repair a damaged liner, get rid of slash and scrap metal pieces, and prepare for the coming winter months. It will fully reopen on Monday, October 23.

The landfill will continue taking commercial trash trucks throughout the closure, but will be closed to the public.

The current liner, located in Cell 4A, was previously damaged as long as five years ago. The cell has yet to be used. Proper landfill liner, which is a low permeable barrier placed underneath the landfill to stop the migration of leachate, cannot have any holes or areas where water could breach its non-porous cover. Prior to being deemed a functional and safe cell, this liner must be replaced.

Leachate is the collection of water and its particulates which have seeped through piled trash. Leachate has toxic elements, which if not maintained properly, can leak into underlying aquifers or nearby rivers, causing potentially irreversible contamination. The repair of this liner is crucial to the health of the landfill and surrounding waterways. Slash, debris such as tree limbs, pine needles and tree limbs which can pose a fire risk if not maintained properly, will also be removed during this time.

The County asks residents to be patient during this closure and refrain from depositing trash on roadsides. To report such activity, please take a detailed description of the vehicle with license plate information if possible, and immediately report it to the Sheriff’s office by calling 970-264-8430.

The County thanks residents in advance for their cooperation and understanding during this critical closure. For questions, please call 970-264-8300 or visit

Ashley Springer

Ashley Springer

Ashley Springer began working as Archuleta County Communications Specialist and Public Information Officer in 2023.