Maybe next up for impeachment… none other than Mother Nature?
Impeachment certainly seems to be in vogue, these days.
I mean… who, ultimately could be accused of dastardly deeds against earthlings, with some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded, ocean water hot enough to bathe in, or boil lobsters in, and crazy-wild wind and rain, floods and wildfires. With all that, and more, in mind, why not put the blame on Mother Nature?
As politicians themselves might say… look no further than to the very top.
They would be trying to convince everyone that if they failed to take action, they would be shirking their duty. They would hold endless hearings, on the taxpayers’ dime, and find ways to convince the American people, or at least to justify, filing articles of impeachment against Mother Nature.
So, what if earthlings may be to blame for increasingly weird climatic conditions, rather than Mother Earth?…Makes no difference, you can bet they’d say… where does the buck stop? they’d want to know.
The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, probably would just put on his serious face and resolutely tell the American people… ‘We may be considering a resolution, in Congress, to impeach Mother Nature. This is in the initial planning stage, but we’re pretty serious about holding Mother Nature responsible for what’s happening to our precious planet.’
Speaker McCarthy could score political points, hoping to remain in his House leadership post. Getting to be Speaker was challenging, for him, and staying put is even more challenging, with all the infighting, in government, and such.

But there could be a hitch, trying to impeach Mother Nature. Yes, the Constitution gives Congress the power to impeach federal officials. I looked it up, online, but there’s more…
“An official can be impeached for treason, bribery, and ‘other high crimes and misdemeanors.’”
Mother Nature isn’t a federal official, and to the best of our knowledge, I might have said, had I been a PR spokesperson for nature’s senior leader, we’re not aware of any bribery schemes on her part, nor other high crimes and misdemeanors.
So, what’s the deal here? Impeaching someone, to score political points? To scapegoat someone?
Of course, going by her name… Mother Nature … it appears, she’s a ‘she’, and there’s this war against women, apparently, that’s being waged by some politicians, and that’s happening in other nations as well.
We’re not aware of Mother Nature’s religious or political beliefs, whether she’s far right, far left, moderate, or an independent…
So, going after Mother Nature might be kind of a dumb idea.
And besides… this is only satire anyway.
Isn’t it?